Stay Express Hotel Franchise
Hotel Franchisees – Stop Putting All Blame On The Brand

Hotel Franchisees – Stop Putting All Blame On The Brand

In the hotel franchising model, both the brand and the franchisee have their individual responsibilities to fulfill. The brand does have a very crucial role to play to help the franchisees succeed. However, any time the franchise hotel does not do well, it cannot just point the finger at the brand, without analyzing its own faults and shortcomings.

While it is true there are many cases of brands exploiting the franchisee hotels and not giving them enough value in exchange, it is not always the case. There are dozens of stories which speak of brands trying to extract as much profits as possible from the franchisee hotels, without supporting them and helping them succeed. However there is another side of the coin that we need to look into.

The truth of the matter is any brand worth its weight will have no other option but to care for its franchisee’s success. This is because the more the franchisee hotels succeed, the more growth the brand may experience. When a person operates a hotel under a banner flag, and experiences huge success, that person may think of opening up another hotel property. Most likely the new property will also operate under the same brand as the earlier one because the hotelier had a good experience with the brand.

Secondly, many brands built their reputation over many years. It would be totally unwise to spoil the reputation for some quick profits. So usually good brands have to be careful in this regard. They cannot think of making a quick buck at the expense of their hard earned international reputation.

For this reason, hotels have to search for a good brand to join. They just cannot join any flag blindly, without doing any background research. It is not wise to blindly select a brand just because its name is trending and lot of hotels are joining it. Maybe the brand has been doing lot of advertising due to which there is a huge influx of hotels joining it.

So do not just go after the popular brands. Rather check what will you be getting from them, what is the feedback of other hotels operating under them and how well they are doing financially, the ethics and principles which the brand values, etc.

If you are looking for a good brand to join, which is super-affordable and can save you thousands of dollars yearly, Stay Express might be a good option for you. Check us out – Stay Express Fair Franchising

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