Communication – An Important Ingredient To Hotel Success

Communication with the guests is a very important ingredient in the success of a hotel business. The hotel staff need to be taught to communicate better with the guests in order to reduce misunderstandings, expectations mismatch, miscommunication errors, etc. Good communication involves listening to your guests, understanding their problems, identifying their expectations, and addressing their concerns. When you communicate properly […]

Hotels – Make Your Guests Happy & Generate Repeat Business

Happy guests keep coming back to your hotel again and again. In times of economic uncertainty like the one we are currently going through where almost all hotels are suffering from lack of business, we need to make sure we are doing our best to get repeat business. In order to increase hotel revenues and profits, you need to focus […]

Building Relationships – Key To Hotel Business Success

Building relationships with the guests is one of the main keys of success in the hospitality industry. No matter how awesome your hotel property is, how many amenities and luxuries you provide to the guests, unless you have the personal touch your business may not go very far. People coming to stay in the hotel want to be treated nicely […]

5 Tips To Save Money While Booking Hotel Room

When you are traveling you may encounter lot of unexpected expenses due to which your total traveling cost sometimes exceeds the amount you had initially estimated and planned for. That is why travelers are always interested in saving any money they can during their travel. While you can save some money by opting for cheaper, budget hotels it may not […]

Save Your Hotel Business From Failing During The Covid 19 Era

Covid 19 has impacted the hospitality industry tremendously. The post-Covid world is likely to be radically different than the previous world we have been familiar with. As a business owner you need to adapt your strategy as per the changing dynamics. If you are running an independent hotel it becomes very important that you keep yourself updated with the latest […]

How Hotels Need to Change Their Approach In Coming Years

Hotel owners across the globe are wondering how the coming years are going to be. Since 2020 the world has changed upside down, which has left hotel owners totally clueless about how the future is likely to be and how they should adapt their business in 2021 and beyond. While we may not be able to fully predict the future, […]

How Mobile Optimized Website Helps Hotel Business

Hotel websites need to be mobile optimized. It can be preferable to have a dedicated mobile app. If hotels do not want to invest in the cost of developing a full-fledged app, at least they need to develop a mobile friendly website. Not having a mobile-friendly site may seriously impact your hotel business. The reason is that more and more […]

Increase Hotel Occupancy With Better Amenities & Toiletries

There is one area which is often overlooked or not paid proper importance but which can have a great impact on the business growth and success of a hotel business. Let us briefly shed some light on this area – amenities and toiletries. Many hoteliers may not realize the huge impact it can have on their business if they provide […]