Hospitality Solutions
Powerful Twitter Marketing Tips for Hotels – Part II

Powerful Twitter Marketing Tips for Hotels – Part II

This is a continuation of the series of posts on Twitter marketing tips for hoteliers. If you didn’t read the first part of this series you can do so now by clicking here – Powerful Twitter Marketing Part I

  1. Use certifications, accomplishments, references, etc.

The main intent of your Twitter profile is to make yourself look like an expert or authority figure. So showcase your accomplishments, references, testimonials, certifications and awards.


  1. Create a Twitter list

Twitter lists are great if you only want to follow specific accounts. You could create different lists for your competitors, target audience and for business inspiration. This will help you easily review the different types off posts, interactions, and content.


  1. Avoid automation

Although you can automate tweets about your latest blog posts,  which is alright, you don’t want to automate all of your tweets. Make it a point to publish content at regular intervals and, as mentioned above, engage with your audience wherever possible.

You should also read what others are writing and see how others are responding to tweets – this will help you figure out what kind of content to create in order to better engage with your readers.


  1. Research and identify your # hashtags

Hashtags allow Twitter users to tap into entire Twitter conversations. To create a hashtag, put a # before a word. Discover trend-setting conversations, and decide which ones you want to join. Doing this could help you connect with users who are interested in what you have to offer.


  1. Host Twitter chat

To host a Twitter chat (or tweet chat), you’ll need to select a topic, set a time and date for the chat to take place, and create a hashtag for the chat. You can share this information with your followers in tweets, on your website, in your Twitter bio, and wherever you choose.


  1. Don’t make your profile private

This may sound obvious, but it still happens often – when a social media manager uses Twitter for business, he has to make his profile private. You have to understand that if you make your profile private, you are limiting its visibility, which is not what you want. Ideally you want to gain as much visibility and exposure as possible.


  1. Ask influencers to pin your tweets

One of the quick ways to gain more exposure and build more leads from Twitter is to turn to Twitter influencers. What you should tell them is to just share your content and pin it for a day. Pinning your content to a celebrity’s Twitter account can generate a crazy amount of traffic, specially if your content is awesome. Obviously you need to choose an audience that is relevant to your industry.


  1. Connect your LinkedIn account to Twitter to take advantage of other contacts

LinkedIn is a another serious platform similar to Twitter. Joining them both can prove to be very powerful. So, for more collaboration and networking, connect your Linkedin account to your Twitter account.

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