Hotel Tips
Powerful Twitter Marketing Tips For Hotels – Part III

Powerful Twitter Marketing Tips For Hotels – Part III

This post is a continuation of our series on Twitter marketing tips for hotels. To make the information easily digestible to you, we are making each post short and are just mentioning a few tips in each article. If you want to check out other posts in this series, click here – Twitter Marketing for Hotels

Let us continue with further tips in this awesome series:

  1. Mimics

Your Twitter marketing approach can be accelerated by “imitating” the behavior of other Twitter users who are successful on this platform. To put this technique into practice, all you have to do is find a user who has the kind of success you want, and follow their methods and strategies.


  1. Drive traffic to your website

Twitter can help you direct traffic to your website – there are many ways to add your website URL to your profile as well as your web pages and blogs to your tweets.


  1. Follow your target customers

You can follow those people who are travel bloggers and who stay at different hotels. Such kind of people can be your target customers and they can help spread word about your hotel to lot of other people.


  1. Don’t try to sell all the time

Another mistake that many people make through tweets is trying to sell their products and services all the time. Twitter isn’t about selling directly, it’s about engaging with your users and / or targeting new audiences.

With your Twitter presence, you’re looking to attract your customers instead of forcing them to buy your product, so it’s best to give people a reason to know more, as opposed to selling hard.


  1. Be consistent

Many marketers start enthusiastically on a new platform, but soon lose their steam and interest. Being consistent will give you an overall better chance of growth and create a social image that others will follow.


  1. Use embedded tweets in blog posts

Embedded tweets make it easy for people reading your blog to share pieces of your post with your audience. All they have to do is click a button and a specific tweet about your content is shared. The easier it is for your audience to take action, the more likely they are to act.


  1. Reply to follower messages

When you ignore people, it seems like you don’t care about your audience.

When people get the impression that you don’t care about them they will soon start losing interest in your brand and in the long run it can really hurt your business. Respond to people and show them that your brand cares about their needs.

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