Guest Experience
Post Stay Guest Emails Strategy Ideas Part-1

Post Stay Guest Emails Strategy Ideas Part-1


With so much emphasis on social media for marketing and customer service these days, it’s possible that your email efforts have taken a back step. However, good marketing is driven by a combination of complementary methods – and email remains one of your strongest tools.

Through well-targeted messages, email marketing is a very efficient tool to establish visitor loyalty, boost brand interaction, and drive direct reservations.

This blog post focuses on post-stay email marketing because some hotels provide it as an optional function. Most hotels that do utilize the email merely use the typical, pre-written text that the system provides.

Here are few tips you can use for your post-stay email strategy:

Thank You/ Feedback Email:

Send a thank you/feedback email to your hotel guests within three days after their departure. Don’t merely write statements that seem overly robotic. Inject some personality into your emails by writing them as if they were to a friend. In the same email, say that you’d love to hear their thoughts on their stay and urge them to leave an online review. Make it simple and quick for them to do so, for example, by offering a direct link to your TripAdvisor review page.

If a guest had a terrible impression, urge them to contact you directly with any negative comments so that you may resolve it as soon as possible, and offer a generic email address.

Easy to Share Post-Stay Emails:

Sharing on social media has become an integral component of the vacation experience. Travelers are continually leaving TripAdvisor reviews and uploading holiday images to Facebook and Instagram. Invite your visitors to upload their own photos to your hotel’s page and give a direct link to do so

Maintaining the Connection:

After the thank-you / feedback-request email, a successful post-stay email campaign does not cease. As time passes, customized post-stay marketing emails are critical for reminding your visitors of their positive experience at your facility. However, there are certain critical considerations to do if you don’t want your consumers to click “unsubscribe.”

Maintain client engagement by providing something of value, such as a discount for a future stay, notifying them of current or forthcoming specials or events that may be of interest, sharing a recipe from your restaurant advertisement, and so on.

Scheduling the Next Trip Of Your Guest:

On average, travel preparation begins 90 days in advance, but the range is 30 to 180 days. Send visitors an email that much in advance of the anniversary of their previous stay, whichever is appropriate for your resort. You want to be on their mind when the “dreaming” stage of travel begins, and because folks are accustomed to things they know (particularly if it’s simple) rather than try something new. Consider testing with time ranges (in advance of their booking) and seeing what converts the best.

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