Hotel Tips
Making a Great First Impression on Hotel Guests In Digital Age

Making a Great First Impression on Hotel Guests In Digital Age

It’s not always simple to engage, much alone bowl over digital generation of this era, when they contact a company in person or online. The tech-savvy travellers demand seamless and tailored digital visitor experiences. 93% of travellers prefer travel firms that use technology to make travel easier.

However, it’s insufficient, if their digital interactions are not smoothly integrated with warm and personable hospitality interactions, it turns out striking the appropriate balance between technology and human touch isn’t simple as it appears.

In the digital era, here are some pointers on “A strong first impression on hotel guests”.


Being by establishing a Strong Web Presence:

These days, having a visually appealing website with quick processing times, a mobile-first design, and a direct booking experience, as well as a strong social media presence, is a requirement.

Having strong visibility across numerous internet channels such as OTAs, meta-search engines, and so on, will help you increase your online presence even more.

Engage in social listening as well, making sure to respond to all forms of comments on your property and services received through various review sites and social media channels.


Assist Guests with a smooth Check-in and a Pleasant Welcome:

Because your reception is the first point of contact for a new customer, you must strike the perfect balance of “high-tech” and “Human-touch” at this moment.

Along with offering online check-in and check-out, many hotels are now experimenting with allowing customers to choose their desired room type and other amenities, even before they arrive. Some hotels also allow visitors to use their iPhones as room keys, removing the requirement to check-in at the front desk entirely.


Other Digital Engagement Touchpoints:

Digital engagement methods can help you promote your services as well as improve the guest experience. You can utilize digital screens in your lobby to market your services and show off images of your property as well as individuals enjoying your services and amenities. Your Wi-Fi connection can also be used as a marketing tool, directing customers to your website or landing page.

Many Hotels are utilizing robot concierges these days. Robots free up the time of human personnel and assist customize a guest’s stay, even though robot technology lacks a strong touch factor.

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