How To Overcome JET-LAG (Tips that Work)

How To Overcome JET-LAG (Tips that Work)

We know that when we get back into foreign travel, there will be long queues and additional processes to cope with. We’ll have to travel to the airport sooner and spend extra time getting there. All of these things add to the trip day, and the last thing you need is more jet lag.

The biorhythmic disorientation known as jet lag is unavoidable when travelling into a new time zone, but knowing how to reduce the symptoms may make that first day in your destination a lot more pleasurable.

Several amazing strategies to fight jet lag that work:

One of the greatest strategies to avoid jet lag is to change your routines before boarding the plane. When we were travelling across numerous time zones, we discovered that doing so greatly reduced the symptoms of jet lag when we arrived at our destination.

Change your Internal Time:

Before you go, almost everything you read will tell you how to overcome jetlag once you arrive, but our advice is to start before you ever leave. This may appear to be difficult or inconvenient, yet it has worked. You may test this a few days before your trip and create your timetable for when you should sleep when you should nap, and so on.

How to Reduce Jet Lag on Plane:

Stay Hydrated:

Staying hydrated is probably one of the simplest things you can do on a plane to help decrease the effects of jet lag on the ground.

Avoid Consuming Alcohol:

Alcohol has a stronger impact at altitude, and flying causes dehydration fast. It may not be the most popular option, but we recommend saving the liquor until when you arrive at the hotel.

Get Some Rest:

Sleeping on an aircraft may be difficult. However, if your Jet Lag plan requires you to sleep, make sure you do it, with the correct travel cushion and sleep mask it might be pleasant to sleep.

How to Get Rid of Jet Lag When You Arrive:

Don’t Fall Asleep Immediately:

The urge to hit the hay and fall asleep is strong, but it is advisable to stay awake until bedtime in your local time zone arrives.

Food may be used to deceive your body:

When it comes to adapting to different time zones, food is also a trigger for the body. We tend to identify certain meals at specific times of the day. So, when you arrive at your location, use this to your advantage.

Get a Good Night’s Rest:

This can be more difficult than it appears, especially if you have travelled across many time zones. However, if you took our advice and followed these jet lag tips, it will be a lot simpler.

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