Stay Express Hotel Franchise
How Stay Express Helps Its Franchisee Hotels

How Stay Express Helps Its Franchisee Hotels

Stay Express is a SBA approved hotel franchising company. It is fast growing in popularity. The reason is because it is result-oriented and partner-focused. Stay Express wants to help all its franchisees improve their business and increase their bottom line. It is not solely focused on its own profits, rather it wants its partners to succeed.

This approach has earned Stay Express lot of love and admiration from its partners. There are lot of hotels which were previously associated with other brands and were not happy with what they were getting. When they joined Stay Express they felt a world of difference – something which they had never experienced earlier.

The major goal of Stay Express is to save its franchisees lot of money. When the hotels save money they can use it to further improve their business operations, services and property. When they implement those improvements, it can lead to much greater guest satisfaction and hence a huge increase in business and revenues.

There are many ways Stay Express helps its franchisees save a lot of money. There have been cases where we have saved hotels up to $200,000 annually. These are staggering figures. The hotels can use these savings wisely and take their business to the next level. .

Stay Express has been able to provide these kind of savings because of the immense experience it has in the hospitality sector. The people behind Stay Express are passionate about hospitality and they know and understand this industry inside out. With their immense passion, experience and expertise they can formulate effective strategies which, when applied by hotels, can yield them better results and increased savings.

In short – Stay Express cares for its partners.  Its aim is to be  a totally fair, transparent, hassle-free hotel franchise company that delivers results for its partners. We welcome you to find out more about us. We are inviting fresh hotel franchising applications from all over USA and the world.


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