Stay Express Hotel Franchise
Hoteliers – Don’t Be a Slave To Your Brand

Hoteliers – Don’t Be a Slave To Your Brand

This article is for those who are afraid of losing their freedom when they join a hotel franchise. The fear is not without reason. Many brands make you their slave, forcing you to do things their way so much so that hoteliers feel they no longer have any sort of control over the hotel operations.

This can lead to lot of frustration. After all you have invested so much money in starting the hotel and now someone else takes over its operations to such an extent that you have to consult them in every small and big matter!

Stay Express franchisees have expressed such happiness and delight when they had a completely different experience after joining our brand. We don’t believe in dictating terms and interfering in every small or big matter. We allow total freedom of operation to our franchisees. This has caused many of our franchisee partners to be delighted as they had bitter experience earlier with other brands.

We are happy to invite hoteliers to try us out and experience the difference. We are a hassle-free, transparent and fair franchising company that has SBA approval. We have helped many hotels turn around and transform their business by helping them increase their savings and revenues.

To know more visit us

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