Guest Experience
Hotel Service – Create A Guide For Your Guests

Hotel Service – Create A Guide For Your Guests

Today’s hotel sector is more competitive than ever. You’re increasingly fighting for the same customers’ attention as every other hotel in the neighborhood. Finding techniques to capture and hold that attention might be difficult.

Creating Local Guides that provide guests with insights and information is a preferable choice, but just generating a printed list of items does not assist much. Those can be obtained elsewhere; we just need to be a bit more imaginative and defined here.

Create a Persona for Your Guests:

  • The first step in generating local guides is to determine your guest personas. You have guests staying at your hotel for a variety of reasons. Some of them are vacationers. Others are groups of people traveling together, such as families. There are singles and couples, folks on workcations, and digital nomads who like the freedom that remote work provides.
  • It is not possible to establish a single local guide that applies to all guests. Segment your guests based on their demographics and expectations. as a result, you may design a local guide for each section

Select Activities/Destinations Based on Persona:

  • The following step in generating local guides is to utilize the personas you just developed to select which activities, places, and attractions to include in each tour.
  • The objective is to categorize the nearby attractions, venues, and activities and determine which segment could be interested in what. Then, using that, begin organizing everything. There will almost certainly be some overlap, especially when it comes to eateries, but that is to be expected.

Construct Your Customized Guides:

  • It’s time to bring everything together, your local guides should seem professional, with color photographs and interiors that are correctly prepared and organized.
  • Create a master layout for your guides so that you can simply insert activities and places into each category for the various personas.
  • After you’ve roughed things out, it’s time to bring them to life. This may be done in two ways: digitally or in printed form.

Digital Guide/ Printed Form:

  • You may utilize digital guides on your website, email, and many other platforms to meet your opt-in lead generation and marketing goals. Local guides should be available at the front desk and in the rooms.

Design Your Packages and Upsell:

  • Create packages that are appealing to each guest category, then upsell them. It’s a terrific opportunity to offer value, stand out in the minds of your guests, and increase profitability while also benefitting the local economy.

You provide something of value with local guides, as well as the ability to purchase special packages to make visitor stays as memorable as possible. But don’t stop there. Creating guest guide choices is only one example of cutting-edge hotel service. There are plenty of additional things you can do to distinguish your hotel from the competition and strengthen your relationships with your visitors.

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