Save Your Hotel Business From Failing During The Covid 19 Era

Covid 19 has impacted the hospitality industry tremendously. The post-Covid world is likely to be radically different than the previous world we have been familiar with. As a business owner you need to adapt your strategy as per the changing dynamics. If you are running an independent hotel it becomes very important that you keep yourself updated with the latest […]

How Hotels Need to Change Their Approach In Coming Years

Hotel owners across the globe are wondering how the coming years are going to be. Since 2020 the world has changed upside down, which has left hotel owners totally clueless about how the future is likely to be and how they should adapt their business in 2021 and beyond. While we may not be able to fully predict the future, […]

Increase Hotel Occupancy With Better Amenities & Toiletries

There is one area which is often overlooked or not paid proper importance but which can have a great impact on the business growth and success of a hotel business. Let us briefly shed some light on this area – amenities and toiletries. Many hoteliers may not realize the huge impact it can have on their business if they provide […]

Simple, Practical Tips to Increase Hotel Revenue

Every hotelier nowadays is probably faced with the burning question of how to increase the revenue and profits on their property. However, when you get bogged down in everyday activities, it can be difficult to see the big picture, and finding the right answers can become complicated. Let us lay down some useful tips to follow: 1. Invest in Staff […]

Good Vs Bad Hotel Managers- Crucial Differences

It is important for hotels to hire good managers otherwise the business could suffer miserably. So how could you know which is a good manager and which one is not? In this article let us discuss some distinguishing traits between them. If any person in managerial role in your hotel displays some of the negative characteristics mentioned here it is […]

Why and How Hotels Should Do Digital Marketing

Digital marketing can be very useful for a hotel business. This can help the hotel, big or small, to recapture lost revenue as well as generate more revenue. In this age of competition, it is important to stay ahead of the competition. And keep your marketing strategy up-to-date to avoid the competitive niche. One of the main reasons why digital […]

How Online Reviews Can Boost Your Hotel Business

A hotel’s reputation is very important. If the reputation is spoiled, the business can be tremendously impacted. Nowadays maintaining online reputation has become very very important. There are dozens of review sites and hundreds of business directories where people can leave reviews about any business, including hotels and restaurants. These review sites can actually be good to boost your business. […]

How Hotels Can Effectively Handle Negative Online Reviews

Many hotels are clueless about how to handle negative reviews from irate customers. Let’s face it – dealing with negative reviews is a problem which almost every hotel has to face sooner or later. With the popularity of so many review sites and social media, it has become very easy for people to leave a review of any hotel. When […]

5 Essential Keys to Success in Hotel Business

If you want your hotel to be successful in the long run you have to keep the following critical factors into consideration. The success of a hotel can heavily depend on how you implement these key factors. 1. Customer Service 2. Cost Control 3. Hiring Good People 4. Use of Technology 5. Marketing 1. Customer Service: This is one of […]

Tips for Successful Hotel Management – For Owners & Managers

Successful hotel management is not easy, a lot of effort goes into it. The hotel manager has to work cohesively with other team members to get various jobs done properly. In this article let us discuss a few tips for successful hotel management, which are easy to follow. 1. Lead from the front The hotel owner or manager has to […]