Enjoy Lovely Hiking Trails in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Hiking in Chattanooga is a must-do activity for anybody visiting Tennessee. During peak season, hikers from all over the country fly in to visit, and there are an estimated 150 miles of hiking trails on public lands within a 15-minute drive of downtown. If you want to visit Chattanooga, make sure to spend at least one-day hiking. If you are […]

Build Successful Hotel Business with Stay Express

Stay Express helps hotels build a successful hotel business. It helps them increase their revenues, savings and bottom line. How can we help you do that? By using our immense experience and know-how of the industry. We understand what makes hotels tick and what hotels need to do to increase their bookings and get guests keep coming back. We have […]

Guests Are The Lifeblood of Hotel Business Success

Treat your guests with respect they are the lifeblood of your business. “True hospitality consists of giving the best of yourself to your guests.” – Eleanor Roosevelt Successful hoteliers know the importance of treating the guest well. Highly successful hoteliers realize they are not giving their guests just a room to stay. Rather they are giving them an experience to […]

The Do’s And Dont’s Of International Travel

 Travelling abroad generates perplexing circumstances out of actions that are commonplace at home. Whether on vacation or business, your trip should be about having fun rather than worrying about upsetting your host or under-tipping the wait staff. Take a deep breath and relax after following these dos’ and don’ts. Do Your Research: Etiquette differs so greatly from place to place; […]

Why Consistency Is Important for Hotel’s Success

Consistency is critical factor for hotel’s success. Providing good service to a select few guests or being excellent once in a while may not help your hotel reach the heights of glory that you want to see it reach. In order to develop guest loyalty and get repeat business, make sure your interactions with the guests are quality based and […]

Having a Great Team Is Critical For A Hotel’s Success

No man is an island. You alone cannot do everything. That is why it is important to build a great team that can act out on your behalf in your absence. If you want your hotel to succeed, make sure the team you are building is really a remarkable one. Even if you do all the things right, your hotel […]

4 Step Plan To Deal With Angry Guests In A Hotel

Are you worried and at wit’s end on how to effectively handle irate and angry guests at your hotel? Don’t worry, handling angry guests need not be so difficult. There is a 4 step process to doing so. Let us briefly outline it below: 4 Steps To Deal With Angry Guest in Hotel – G.L.A.D. The four steps for effectively […]

How to Treat Guests in Hotels To Create Wow Experience

Do you wish to learn how to make your guests happy and elated while staying at your place? You should try to give the guests a “wow” experience. It all starts with how you treat them. There are actually 3 important things which every hotel should be mindful of in order to provide ‘wow’ experience to guests. They are: 1. […]

Good Customer Service – Hotel Leadership Should Show The Way

Good customer experience leads to higher satisfaction and loyalty. When guests are treated royally by a hotel, it not only is good for the hotel’s image but also does wonders for the brand as well. Guests will associate happy experience with the brand as well as the particular hotel in which they had a joyful experience. So how can hotels […]