Luxury Market Can Rise Exponentially – Are Hotels Targeting This Segment?

The luxury markets have evolved, and travel advisers must adapt to meet the needs of their most affluent clientele. Angie Licea, President of Global Travel Collection, a premium branch of Internova Travel Group, stated following the group’s convention in October that the brightest luxury travel consultants are getting even smarter. During the covid shutdown, those agents studied new products, niches […]

Making a Great First Impression on Hotel Guests In Digital Age

It’s not always simple to engage, much alone bowl over digital generation of this era, when they contact a company in person or online. The tech-savvy travellers demand seamless and tailored digital visitor experiences. 93% of travellers prefer travel firms that use technology to make travel easier. However, it’s insufficient, if their digital interactions are not smoothly integrated with warm […]

Tips for Hotels to Design Bathroom for all Guests

If your hotel welcomes all customers, including old, children, and less mobile, you need to make sure that your hotel bathrooms are accessible to all. It takes a few little touches and alterations to convert a bathroom into a space that is both accessible and elegant. Your hotel bathroom should be constructed with all of the basic amenities in mind, […]

How to Handle If Your Hotel Manager Quits Unexpectedly

Unexpected resignations pose significant hurdles for leaders/ owners, particularly those who are unfamiliar with dealing with them. Employees who leave abruptly can cause problems for the organization. You may feel forsaken and alone’ if you’ve learned to rely on that individual, says a clinical associate professor of management at NYU Stern.   Here are some pointers to assist you to […]

What Major Hotel Chains Can Learn from Hostels In Crisis

One of the businesses worst hit by the epidemic was hospitality and tourism. When Covid-19 shut down everything, hotels, aeroplanes, and tourism, in general, suffered a huge impact. As the globe slowly returns to normalcy, the hotel industry is working harder than ever to keep its company going. Surprisingly, hostels were more prepared than most hotels for this unanticipated transition. […]

Dos and Dont’s at Airport Security

Airport Security is inconvenient, but it is something that passengers must embrace if they want to fly around the world securely. The most you can aim for is to pass security as swiftly and painlessly as possible. That means being prepared and avoiding airport security blunders that will delay you and everyone else down and maybe land you into trouble […]

How Hotels Can Attract More Business Travelers

Today’s corporate travellers aren’t afraid to express their preferences for booking, facilities, restaurants, and accommodations. Hospitality experts are capitalising on this input, making little adjustments as well as large expenditures in infrastructure and services to secure a piece of this industry, which is estimated to reach $1,657 billion in 2023. Continue reading to discover the operational areas that business travellers […]

7 Tips to Travel Light So That You Can Enjoy Your Trip More

Packing light might seem like a mammoth task if you’re the type of person who pays extra baggage fees on regular basis. Despite this, many how to travel light recommendations will have you packing two weeks’ worth of gear into a palm-sized rucksack. Here are a Few Tips to Travel Light. Utilize a light-weight travel bag: The most important advice […]