Hotel Marketing
Superb Ideas To Promote Your Hotel on Instagram

Superb Ideas To Promote Your Hotel on Instagram

Social media is a vital component of any hotel marketing plan. It has evolved faster than any other marketing platform in history and shows no signs of diminishing. It might be overwhelming for a hotel to build a social media presence from the bottom up. There are many social media platforms but we are here to focus on the most emerging and engaging ones.

The most colorful and engaging social media site, ‘INSTAGRAM,’ is the most utilized platform, with about 1 billion monthly users. It seems like everyone has an active Instagram account, and marketing on this platform may be fruitful for your hotel. All you need is the finest marketing approach for your hotel.

Instagram is suitable as a photo-based social platform, making it one of the top social media marketing tools for the hospitality business. People like taking stunning photographs to share with their friends and relatives, especially while on vacation.

When tourists visit your hotel and use the other amenities you provide, they always photograph such moments. These photos, in turn, promote your business. They frequently reveal the amazing experience they had while staying with you by sending images. These images are a kind of feedback that your guests choose an excellent holiday hotel, which encourages others to visit your hotel on vacation.

Now to the exciting part, how can we promote our hotel on Instagram? We have compiled a few ideas which you can implement in your hotel strategy:

It All Starts With Proper Account Setup & Attractive Profile:

Instagram has two sorts of accounts. Normal Account and Business Account. Create a business account for your hotel to give it a more professional appearance, and use your hotel name and emblem as your profile image. If you currently have a regular hotel account, you may quickly convert it to a business account.

Changing your account to a business account will provide you with an additional benefit.

  • To begin, Instagram recommends that you include your hotel company in a certain category so that it can automatically place your hotel among related audiences. This exposes your hotel’s Instagram profile.
  • Then, you have the option of including your contact information, such as your company email and phone numbers, right on your profile, so that your target audience can easily locate you and communicate with you.
  • However, one of the most valuable benefits of having a hotel Instagram business page is the ability to conduct various promotions straight from your account. It also allows you to select your target demographic and budget for promotion.
  • It also provides you with accurate insights about your activities, content, audience, interactions, discovery, and everything in between. This allows you to readily determine how your business is performing on Instagram.

Have A Catchy Bio:

Your Instagram bio shows who you are in a few words, and your Instagram hotel profile should be clear and give out all the crucial information like the Hotel email address, Hotel phone number, Hotel address, and Link to your Facebook page.

Above all, you must include a link to your hotel’s website. This provides you with an endless number of direct booking chances. This is one of the most overlooked Instagram hotel ideas, but if you look attentively, it may aid you in ways you never anticipated. The most effective Instagram technique is to include an enticing call to action in your hotel’s Instagram profile. And you’ll see the impact speeding up.

Put Post On Some Engaging Content Of Your Hotel:

When connecting with your audience, you must post regularly. It is not enough to simply publish information about your hotel; you must also add some eye-catching captions and the perfect audio for the perfect response from the users.

You may publish about your hotel rooms and other interior information, the best sights of your hotels, the best views around your hotel, events that take place at your hotel, deals and promotions, festivals, and so on. All of this may be posted as photographs, short films, hyper-lapse videos, timelapse videos, GIFs, boomerang videos, and so on!


It is a universal reality that humans are more prone to being drawn to stories. Stories are one of the fantastic things that Instagram offers, along with a variety of hotel Instagram ideas. It is a function that allows you to publish photographs and videos that disappear after 24 hours, and they are frequently seen and commented on more than your usual posts because many people like to watch tales rather than read posts.

As a result, Instagram goes out of its way to include stories in the timelines of your followers. So, just like with posts, you should be consistent with your hotel’s Instagram stories. The best thing about these stories is that you can store the finest of them as highlights, which your audience may see at any time. You may also arrange your insight tales in reverse chronological order. As a result, you improve your communication abilities, which will aid in improving interaction on your profile.

Trending Hashtags:

A hashtag is a word that is preceded by the symbol #. They resemble #Hotel #BoutiqueHotel #hotel #BandB #BnB. These hashtags act as labels for the information, allowing users to find what they’re looking for. Something akin to keywords. As a result, they are one of the most popular hotel Instagram ideas of all time. You may use hashtags for hotels whichever you like.

Utilize Instagram’s TV network or IGTV.

This feature might also be one of the most beneficial Instagram ideas for hotels because it allows hoteliers to publish longer and more engaging videos.

With this function, you may display your hotel’s top attractions for a longer period. You can even broadcast your deals and packages, highlight major hotel events, conduct guest interviews where they talk about their experience at your hotel, and a variety of other internal things such as the insights of your front office on a busy day, the workings of your housekeeping departments, and so on.

Perfect Time:

One of the best hotel Instagram ideas is to post at the right time because you can do the right posts and talk about the right deals in the right way, but if you don’t do it at the right time, it’s all a waste of time and resources because such interesting content is useless if your audience can’t see or react to it.

Quality Is Important:

Quality matters, yet it is often overlooked. It matters because what you publish and how you post will help you attract customers or lookers in general to your hotel. Uploading low-quality content will not benefit you in this situation. The photos and videos you take should have a good resolution and be properly scaled. The recommended photo size for Instagram is 1080 pixels.

If you use color themes in your advertising photos and videos, your Instagram profile will get a lot of attention. Such posts get more responses since they are visually appealing.

Instagram Influencers:

With the popularity of Instagram and other social media platforms for attracting travelers, there has been a significant increase in the number of photographers, authors, and artisans. They have a large number of followers on Instagram and other social media networks. They are online influencers with a large following, thus bringing them on board is regarded as one of the most attractive Instagram hotel marketing methods since people fervently follow what they say or do. Inviting such individuals can help you generate a lot of revenue.

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