Hotel Tips
Hotel Guest Communication Part-3

Hotel Guest Communication Part-3

This is a continuation of the article series on hotel communication with their guests.

Generate Positive Feedback:

Though you and your employees strive to provide a good experience for customers, it can be difficult to anticipate whether or not they will like their stay. You must enhance their experience and amaze them with your services and offerings so that they are willing to express their feelings about your hospitality. This is only possible if you manage to keep a positive association with them. And it is this ability that will allow you to anticipate their ultimate feedback.

Keep track of Guest Satisfaction:

Every now and then, customers are silent about any negative experiences they have throughout their stay until you discover a negative review on your website. To avoid this, consider engaging with your guest in a pleasant, non-pushy manner. Inquire about their day of touring or whether they appreciated their room service. This provides staff with an organic opportunity to ask guests if they require anything further to make their stay more pleasurable.

In the hotel lounge, provide snacks and freebies. It’s not only a fair motivation for customers, but it also allows staff to engage and find out if there’s anything the customer is too bashful to ask for, or to avoid any complaints from occurring.

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