Hotel Success
How Hotels Can Increase Revenue From Bleisure Travel

How Hotels Can Increase Revenue From Bleisure Travel

This is indeed a new era of work-life balance. Bleisure is becoming increasingly popular. It is a combination of business and leisure. It allows the integration of professional business travel with personal leisure time.

Prior to the pandemic, we heard and saw the digital nomad penning a blog post on a beach or a manager checking emails on a ski resort. Many business travellers these days are frequently seeking to spend their weekends off in a location where they are attending a conference or working. Technology has blurred the lines between work and pleasure, professional and personal, and between career and relaxation. People are placing a lot higher priority on the balance of work and family/leisure time, as seen by the rise of bleisure travel.

According to a study, 60% of corporate visitors extend their stays to include leisure activities on top of their business commitments, whilst 57% of bleisure travelers spend the same or more than they would on a conventional holiday trip.

Aware of the growing importance of the bleisure sector, proactive hoteliers have already begun to cater to it. Importantly, many bleisure visitors are high-income clients. They often have a large discretionary income for leisure pursuits; thus, they are high-value clients for hotels.


Tips on How Hotels can Capitalize on Bleisure Travel:

Promote Sightseeing Opportunities:

According to one research, 85% of passengers are more inclined to prolong their stay in a location with exceptional sightseeing opportunities. Promote touring by including location guides in the confirmation email sent to corporate planners. Make it apparent that the area in which your hotel is located is worth seeing, and that tourists should, without a doubt, prolong their stay.

Consider the Various Seasons:

Business and pleasure travel will take place throughout the year. The activities and attractions in your neighbourhood will most likely change with the seasons. There may be events that are only held during the summer months or that are only held during the fall and winter seasons. Get specific and promote all the local events in your neighbourhood throughout the year.

Preparedness for Technology:

The corporate sector is the most interested in technically savvy hotels. The corporate guest is very connected to technology, and in addition to fast Wi-Fi, they want the convenience of direct online booking. Other major technical elements include self-check-in at any time of day and online guest services.

Contact Local Organizations:

Strategic alliances are a win-win situation for you, local companies, and bleisure travelers. When you work with these local companies, you’re sending them individuals who are already eager to try something new. When you engage with these companies, you may be able to get a special restaurant promotion to tempt people to come, and in exchange, you will receive the benefit of offering a favourable reference.

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