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Why Hotels Should Focus On Smells

Why Hotels Should Focus On Smells

We people have always associated memory with something we can recall, such as music that immediately takes us to a cherished past. The sense of smell is perhaps more strongly tied to memory than any other sense. Those with complete sensory function may be able to recall fragrances that trigger specific memories, such as the perfume of an orchard in bloom stirring up memories of a childhood excursion. And it’s no wonder, considering that this is the sole sense that completely develops from the time you make your spectacular entry into the world: the reason you identify your mother and why her unique fragrance transports you back to a place of safety and comfort.

The scent is important in more ways than one, which is why the most successful hotels spend a large amount of their branding money on developing unique perfumes that engulf you throughout the premises.

Psychologist and Cognitive Neuroscientist, Rachel Herz, from Brown University, and many other research studies have demonstrated that “aromas are far more potent triggers for memory than those visual stimuli. So the next time you walk into a hotel and breathe in that rather lovely scent, it’s all down to triggering your brain to associate that particular fragrance with the hotel”.

Reasons Hoteliers Should Use Incorporate Scents Into Their Business:

Make a Positive Connection Between the Hotel and the Guests:

Scent can build a critical and evident connection with clients in this interesting and developing field of multi-sensory marketing in hotels. It may aid in the association of a location with happy memories and emotions; it allows hotels to develop a personal, human-centered relationship; and it aids in the construction of comfortable and improved settings. Frequent travelers usually equate the fragrance of a hotel with a feeling at home: the initial effect of a known brand aroma being a trigger for warm sensations.

Give Impression Of Cleanliness:

Say goodbye to the unpleasant scents of bleach or disinfectant that so many guests dislike. Say welcome to personalized smells that encourage your focus on cleanliness. Consumers are ready to visit and dine at their favorite restaurants after months of avoiding them. They also want the establishments they visit to take every health and safety precaution feasible. When customers enter an area that smells clean and fresh, they immediately assume that the business is clean – and a safe location for all guests. One study conducted by a popular hotel booking site found that 71% of guests expect “above average” cleanliness ratings when choosing the hotel where they stay. Creating a fresh-smelling environment can make clients feel more at ease conducting business with you.

Ambience Creation for a More Immersive Guest Experience:

The researchers discovered that when combined with other sensory inputs, the smell may increase the visitor experience, producing the warmth and familiarity that hotels seek. The scent may be a useful strategy for expressing the brand or place narrative through instilling excitement, comfort via familiarity, or a sense of luxury or wellbeing. With a perfume that evokes the area, the scent may help connect the guest to the sensory character of the hotel’s setting.

“The senses work together, not in isolation. Engaging all the senses in balance creates stronger message structures from the brain, creating differentiation and stronger memories of the brand experience.”  – Dr. Andy Myers, Walnut Unlimited, 2018

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