Hotel Tips
Things Hoteliers Should Concentrate On To Drive Business

Things Hoteliers Should Concentrate On To Drive Business

The hotel sector in the United States is still attempting to adjust to an increasingly mobile marketplace—one that is hyper-focused on online reputation management and digital marketing methods that will provide the highest return on investment.

Recent TripAdvisor and Ipsos Mori study identified the top problems and areas of attention for the tourism industry, including hotels. The most important discovery? Hoteliers are worried about their online presence and how to attract their target clientele through mobile and social media.


Here are four things you should be aware of:

Adapt to a Growing Digital Marketplace: Hoteliers in the United States are amid a rapidly expanding digital marketplace, yet they acknowledge its significance. A mobile-friendly website or app is vital to 87% of those polled. Meanwhile, 71% of respondents believe that accepting bookings online is critical. Consumers’ mobile and internet usage are expanding faster than advertising revenues can keep up, creating a $7 billion mobile advertising potential for businesses.

Online Reputation is Critical: Maintaining a positive online reputation is essential for success. Almost 97% of those polled said online reputation management was crucial to their firm, and 98% said online reviews were significant. Furthermore, the clear majority stated that social presence was critical to their business.

Choosing the Right Channels Is Still Critical: Staying ahead of internet marketing chances is critical for U.S. hotels, with 89 percent stating it’s critical to keep up with online marketing. Furthermore, 80 percent of respondents stated that it is critical to deal with the correct web marketing firm.

Top Focus Areas: This year, hotels in the United States are concentrating their efforts in three areas. Isn’t it time you focused on them as well?

  • Customer retention and service: 27%
  • Workforce: 25%
  • Marketing Efforts: 20%

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