Surprise Your Hotel Guests With Thoughtful Extra Services
It is not just children who love unexpected pleasant surprises, grown ups love them too! Hotels can use this knowledge to their benefit by thinking of ways they could surprise their guests by offering them something extra which the guests were not expecting.
If you can come up with ways to pleasantly surprise your guests in little ways during their stay, you can be sure that many of these guests will love to return to your hotel in future. You just need to try it once to see the sheer power of this!
Businesses can vastly improve the customer experience with things that are not exactly related to what they are selling. For example, you could offer a free car wash to the guests who come to stay at your hotel. It could be a great experience for a guest to check out of a hotel and get into a recently washed, neat looking car.
Such additional services, which are not the norm in the industry, can really catch the guests’ attention and win their admiration, and possibly their loyalty as well. The additional services you offer need not be something big or extraordinary, just simple things will do provided they add some value or make things easy and convenient for the recipients. Your guests may love you for it.
It is a psychological fact that when people have a favorable opinion or positive feelings aout someone they are more likely to overlook the faults, mistakes and shortcomings of that person. Utilizing this phenomena, if you can create positive feelings in your guests by offering them extra little somethings, they may overlook many of the other shortcomings in your hotel’s service.
They may leave your hotel with positive thoughts and feelings about their stay and may want to return again in future.
“Revolve your world around the customer and more customers will revolve around you.”– Heather Williams