Simple Ways to Keep In Touch With People While Traveling

Simple Ways to Keep In Touch With People While Traveling

While on a trip, we usually miss family members, close friends and others. It would be good to keep in touch with them while still on the trip so that we can share our happy moments with them and show them what we are doing. Sometime we may also need to speak to office colleagues or business partners to get a quick update about work progress.

So let us see some ways to stay in touch with people while we are traveling:

Phone calls:
Talking on the phone is the oldest and best way to keep in touch with folks back home. It may prove costly to have long phone conversations, but if you want a quick chat there is nothing as convenient as a phone call.

Video calls:
If phone calls seem expensive then you can do a video call using Skype or Whatsapp. If the mobile has a good internet connection you can do a long video call without having to worry about bills. Nowadays any decent hotel will have a good wifi connection available for its guests.

There are many options available for doing a video call – Skype, Whatsapp, Telegram, Google Hangouts, etc. You can have a video call either on your smartphone or on the laptop.

Message Apps:
If you are finding it difficult to have a video or voice call with somebody due to difference in time zones or any other reason, you can easily communicate via text or voice messages.

When you have something to say or some question to ask you can send a message to which they can reply whenever they get the time. Again there are plenty of options – Whatsapp, Telegram, etc.

Good old emails are still one of the best modes of communication. This is specially true for business or formal communications. The beauty of emails is that they are quick, easy and convenient. You can just fire up your email client on the mobile or laptop and compose a quick, short email or a long, detailed one.

Social Media:
Social media has become an integral part of our modern life. People of every age are using social media these days. While the above methods we discussed are good for private one-to-one communication between people, social media can be used to share stuff to everyone at once.

You can post pictures, videos or interesting stories about your travel on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or even post some short videos on Youtube or apps like Tiktok, which your friends and family members can see and comment on.

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