Stay Express Hotel Franchise
Simple Way Hotel Brands Can Retain More Franchisees

Simple Way Hotel Brands Can Retain More Franchisees

What is the biggest complain that franchisee hotels have against their brands? What is it they would like to change or improve? In a small survey held by Stay Express, hoteliers voted on what is the thing they feel lacking. The results are quite interesting.

Nearly 50% hoteliers claimed they wanted more support from the brand. They voted for this option over others like savings and marketing. So this could be an area where brands can focus on to improve their value to the hotels and attract more franchisees.

The survey results bring to light an underestimated need of the hotels — that of expert support and assistance. Many major brands think that just providing their name is enough for hotels. They don’t take the time to interact individually with each of their franchisee partners to get to know what problems they are facing in the business.

Understanding your franchisee problems can be highly crucial. They are paying brands substantial amount in franchisee fees and they look up to them for solutions to the problems or challenges they are facing. If brands talk to them and discuss the hotel’s problems and possible solution steps, it would signify to the hotel that the brand cares for them and is taking personal interest in them.

This can build a huge trust between the brand and the hotel. The mere act of taking personal interest, asking about their problems can make the hotel owners feel like they are being cared for. This can make them want to stay with the brand for a long time. The brand can share its expertise and help the hotels in overcoming their challenges and improving their bottom line.

Imagine the impact a brand can have if it succeeds in solving one big challenge of a hotel. The hotel owner will feel lot of appreciation and the trust factor will skyrocket. Today as many brands struggle to keep the franchisees for extended periods of time, this could be an important route to take — trying to provide valuable support to the hotels by enquiring about their most pressing problems and guiding them to solve that problem!

Brands can highlight that while advertising or promoting themselves. If they start placing greater importance on supporting the hotels that join them, they may be able to grow their business multifold.

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