How To Run A Hotel With Staff Shortage – Part II

How To Run A Hotel With Staff Shortage – Part II

Utilize Technology:

More companies are turning to automation to optimize production and service delivery with little to no human involvement. Everything from the organization to coordination to communication can and is automated in the travel and hospitality industries. Customers may contact hotels or travel agencies at any time of day or night, and someone will always be available to help them. Self-service systems are readily available and simple to use. Reservations can be made without the need for human involvement. This has lowered corporate costs and labor while boosting customer service delivery.

Provide Benefits to Current Employees:

Long-term, well-trained team members are especially crucial nowadays. They are familiar with your expectations, your visitors, and the ins and outs of your property. Make every effort to keep them around. Offering more training and development opportunities, cash incentives, flexible scheduling, or more vacation days for long-serving employees are all examples of this. Not sure which perks your staff want? Ask them directly what may make them happy at work and, when feasible, act on their comments.

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