Hotel Marketing
How To Promote Your Hotel On Instagram – Part II

How To Promote Your Hotel On Instagram – Part II

This is the second part of our series on hotel marketing on Instagram.

Make use of Instagram Stories:

Instagram Stories, a new feature that allows users to share a series of photographs and videos that play as a slideshow and disappears after 24 hours, has completely altered online marketing for all businesses.

Users cannot “Like” or post comments, but they may send a private message to the organization, making this feature a fantastic conduit for communicating and engaging with visitors, and perhaps even enticing them to book directly. Because Instagram allows users to add links that route them from their stories to booking sites.

It’s also feasible to publish the story somewhere other than Instagram, essentially preventing it from disappearing the next day and allowing people to return to it.

User-Oriented Content:

Nothing beats original content created by your own guests for authenticity! User-generated content is defined as all content published for free by Internet users that is community-oriented. Photos, videos, reviews, and tales are all acceptable. As a result, this marketing plan can only benefit you. It is free and helps you to stimulate interest in your business while building trust and a sense of belonging among your clients. Nonetheless, remember to ask your guests if you may re-share their material and ensure that the content published about your hotel has a significant effect on your brand reputation.

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