How to Look After The Well-Being Of Your Employees

How to Look After The Well-Being Of Your Employees

How to Look After The Well-Being Of Your Employees


According to The Caterer’s recent Mental Health in Hospitality report, which was conducted in late 2018, many employees in the hotel industry (59 percent) are now suffering from mental health difficulties, however, 56 percent claimed that their employers are unaware of the condition.

Why is this? Some of the reasons stated to indicate that they are concerned about losing their employment. Stigmatization and a lack of support and understanding from co-worker’s were also mentioned as reasons for not discussing health issues openly.


How Can Employers Support Their Staff?


Put Health and Wellness of Staff on The Meeting’s Agenda:

  • Maintain an open-door policy, which means employees may contact Human Resources or any of the line managers with issues.
  • Every weekly, monthly, and quarterly management meeting should include a discussion on employee well-being.
  • Chatting and an open-door policy goes a long way toward recognizing when someone in the office may want assistance.
  • However, working patterns in the hotels business are notoriously difficult, and the discussion should focus on how to improve greater mental and emotional welfare in the workplace.


Make positive changes:

Make improvements that will benefit your employees, prepare ahead of time to be organized, and communicate effectively with your team. This helps to reduce the stress of both employees and employers.


Establish Connections with Other Sectors:

Hotels should collaborate with other health groups to guarantee that employees receive the best possible care during their sickness.

If your hotel has good connections with various health groups, your team will know when to access it if any team member requires it. “If we take care of our team members’ health and well-being, they will take care of our guests.”


Analyze various working settings and patterns:

Make certain improvements to provide staff with a fantastic environment, including shifts that allow them adequate time away from work. Encourage staff to maintain their health by going on a walk, going to the gym, or even relaxing for an hour and doing something as simple as reading a book. Concentrate on organizing activities and events that foster a sense of well-being and teamwork

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