Hospitality Solutions
How To Get More Traffic To Your Hotel Website – Part I

How To Get More Traffic To Your Hotel Website – Part I

Any Hotelier would like to drive direct hotel reservations through their website. In order to increase direct bookings, you should first try and get as many visitors to your website as possible.

Let us discuss how to increase visitors to your hotel website. There will be a series of articles on this topic, wherein we shall share tips and info for increasing your site visibility and traffic. This is the first part of the series.

Write Long Blog Post:

Many hotel websites are now publishing blog entries, but the majority of them are brief pieces of content between 350 and 700 words. Writing lengthier content can help you stand out from the crowd. Try to write at least 2,000 to 3,000 words or longer as search engines prefer longer content and may reward you with higher rankings.

Long posts stand out because they get the most backlinks and perform highly in search engines. Moz observed that the number of backlinks attracted by a blog article is highly proportionate to its length.

Another research discovered that in most cases, pages in the top 10 search results are over 2,000 words long on average, while those in the top four are around 2,500-words.

To summarize, lengthy posting drives traffic to your hotel from both social media and search engines. But be cautious! You must use caution when creating your lengthy blog article. You can’t just put together a bunch of long paras and hope for the best.

Select Your Blog Topics Carefully:

You can’t create a lengthy blog article on every subject. If you want to produce pieces that are longer than 2,000 words, you should seek substantial topics.

This is why you should conduct as much research as possible to identify hot subjects. To identify commonly searched terms, utilise the Google keyword tool and other such keyword research tools. You can also use tools like Buzzsumo to find posts that are shared the most on social media.

Include Visuals:

Buzzsumo’s research also discovered that postings with at least one picture are more likely to be shared on Facebook and Twitter than those without.

Including photos in your blog post makes it easier for people to share them on Pinterest. It’s a good idea to optimise your content for Pinterest because it’s a wonderful traffic generator. Hotel blogs are particularly well suited to it, as subjects such as weddings, cuisine, and travel are quite popular on Pinterest.

You can intersperse posts with graphics such as pictures, screenshots, short videos. Doing so can make your article more colourful and appealing, as well as break up what may appear to be an unending stream of words.

Furthermore, if your hotel is writing about its architecture, local natural beauty, or a nearby destination, strong pictures are just vital as the content. Take a photo instead of writing 300-words on how magnificent the mountain vistas are!

This may appear to be a bit technical and detail-oriented, but trust us when we say that when it comes to content, the tiniest details may have the most influence.

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