How Hotels Can Retain Their Talented Employees For Longer Term
Finding and attracting the right talent for your hotel is not an easy job. After doing all the hard work of screening hundreds or thousands of candidates, interviewing many of them and finally hiring the best available, and spending lot of time in training the selected candidates, it can be very painful if some or all of the candidates leave your job within a short period of time.
So it is very important for hotels to not only attract and hire the right talent, but also to retain that talent for a long time. Let us discuss some tips in this regard.
Lay proper foundations of a good relationship with employees
It is important for hotels to have a good working relationship with all its employees if it wants to retain most of them in the long term. The foundations of a good relationship are built on trust, respect, consideration and remuneration.
The relationship tone is set from the very first interaction itself. The hotels have to make the effort to make the employee feel comfortable right from day one. The onboarding and orientation play a key role in establishing the relationship, which will be further enhanced with future interactions between the new recruits and the management.
If the relationship starts on a sweet note it is likely to last longer.
Train and support the employees
The employees have to feel that their career is progressing by staying with your hotel. If they feel that their career might be stagnating or going downwards they are very much likely to look for other opportunities.
The employees can feel their career advancing if they get opportunities to learn, improve and grow on their jobs. For this, the management may have to invest in providing training to the staff as well as in supporting them through various stages of their career.
Pay raises, promotions, attractive employee benefit schemes, high quality training programs can all play a crucial role in retaining the employees.
Provide a good work environment
Another responsibility of the management is to ensure a safe, sound and happy workplace environment that is free from petty politics, jealousy, unhealthy rivalry, severe criticism, etc.
Management should not display partiality and favoritism. No staff member should feel discriminated against. The management should not be too strict and manage by instilling fear among the staff. The employees should feel safe in their job and do not have to be constantly worried that a single mistake might cost them their job.
Care about their problems
Compassionate leadership can be the real key to resolving employee turnnover issues and retaining best talent for a long time. The management should lend a sympathetic ear to the staff’s concerns.
The common issues and complaints of most employees are the highly demanding work, long job hours, inconvenient shift timings, working on holidays, to name a few. The management has to address these issues in a way that is agreeable to the employees and ensure they get sufficient remuneration for their hard work and difficulties faced.