How Hotel PMS Solves Major Business Challenges – Part 2
Challenge: Lackluster Customer Service
Customers, hotel guests, and anybody else who interacts with your company should always be treated with the utmost respect, and that’s what customer service is all about. You need to be proactive when interacting with clients; convey the heart of your business and provide excellent service. In deciding where to stay, guests often put a high value on how responsive the front desk staff is to their needs. Since more and more hotels are embracing new technologies and launching digital services, providing exceptional support to guests is more crucial than ever.
Forbes found that although 35% of consumers would pay extra for exceptional service, 34% will go elsewhere if their expectations aren’t satisfied. More than eight in ten clients will also tell others about their positive or negative experiences through social media. Today’s hotel visitors demand a high level of efficiency, easiness, and comfort from hotels because of the prevalence of digital technology in their lives.
However, just introducing new ideas and technologies into the hospitality sector is not enough to create an impact. Male and female customers have been proven to have varying expectations when it comes to service. To provide a satisfying stay for their guests, hotels must cater to their guests’ individual needs at every step of the booking process.
You may improve your hotel’s customer service and avoid complaints by using a property management system:
The PMS is the hotel’s central nervous system. It’s the hub that controls not just the guests but also the rest of the hotel’s systems. Effective hotel property management systems integrate with a wide variety of third-party services. This is done to make sure everything runs well at the hotel. Numerous routine duties, such as night audits, reservation administration, and so on, are automated by a property management system (PMS).
Instead of focusing on administrative tasks, the employees may give their whole attention to providing excellent client service. Guests will give a hotel good feedback if the staff is quick to respond to their needs. As long as customers are receiving excellent service promptly, it doesn’t matter to them that a property management system (PMS) was implemented to make this possible
The PMS plays a significant role in improving the efficiency of back-end processes, but it also has an impact on the comfort of guests during their stay. The PMS alerts the front desk when a visitor is scheduled to arrive, whether they are traveling alone or with children, how long they will be staying, and other relevant information that may be utilized to compile a profile.
Staff may plan for clients who may require extra help, such as those traveling with young children or those with mobility issues. Additionally, the manager may use the visitor’s profile information to re-create the same room configuration that the guest had requested during their prior stay.
With the use of property management software (PMS), a hotel’s many rooms and other facilities may be stacked neatly and administered from a single interface. Not only has this enhanced the visitor experience and strengthened the hotel’s bond with its patrons, but it has also helped hotels increase efficiency and raise profitability.
A user-friendly design also speeds up onboarding and makes it simpler to teach new employees. Having a PMS that displays details about frequent visitors and other special guests clearly and concisely is a boon to the quality of service provided to each individual. You may improve customer satisfaction and your hotel’s bottom line by taking use of the latest statistics, trends, and guest information to make informed choices about pricing, extra products, and marketing campaigns.