Guest Experience
How to Handle An Angry Guest At Your Hotel – Part II

How to Handle An Angry Guest At Your Hotel – Part II

This is the second part of the article on how to deal with an angry hotel guest. You can read the first part here – Handling Angry Hotel Guests

We continue below with more tips when you encounter an angry or frustrated guest.

Try to solve it with a clear mind, contemplate your customer’s problem:

You want to apologize whether you did anything wrong, one of your staff did, or no one did. Bottom line: it makes no difference whether their complaint is valid or not. What matters is how you react to it. Your best bet is to apologize politely. Why? You want them to return, and even more crucially, you don’t want them to distribute negative information about your hotel to their friends and family or on the internet. You have heard and apologized. It’s now up to you to find a solution for them. Asking your guest what he or she thinks would be a suitable solution to this issue is a decent way to accomplish it. They may, for example, merely want their bathroom cleaned. Often, the solutions are easy, and by asking the client for the solution, you put the individual in control of the situation, demonstrating that you care about the outcome.

Try to address the issue, and if you are unable to do so, be polite and ensure that it is resolved by someone else:

If you are unable to address the situation, be courteous. Describe how you can assist the consumer. Suggest to the customer that he pursue the matter further by speaking with management or writing to the hotel’s corporate office. When dealing with irate hotel guests, use non-judgmental empathy. If a hotel customer gets aggressive, seek assistance from the management. Remember that just because someone chooses not to behave properly does not oblige you to accept the abusive behavior. If a customer gets physically aggressive, notify hotel security.

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