Hotel Tips
Good Vs Bad Hotel Managers- Crucial Differences

Good Vs Bad Hotel Managers- Crucial Differences

It is important for hotels to hire good managers otherwise the business could suffer miserably. So how could you know which is a good manager and which one is not? In this article let us discuss some distinguishing traits between them. If any person in managerial role in your hotel displays some of the negative characteristics mentioned here it is probably a good idea to advise or train these people to improve themselves, and if they remain adamant, maybe it would be a better option to fire them off in such cases.

Good managers take great care of how they perform with their teams every day. They want success for everyone (not just themselves) and they are really men of discipline, who are lookinng to constantly improve themselves and get better with time.


Good managers

  • Inspiring leaders

A good manager is one who inspires others and does not intimidate them nor does he try to take advantage of them.


  • Shows enthusiasm

Good managers demonstrate enthusiasm, hope and passion with pragmatism. A bad manager either does not display any enthusiasm or he lacks pragmatism.


  • Gives others space and freedom

Bad managers often feel that they know better and cannot trust the employee completely, so they try to intervene in everything, which could really upset the people working under them and negatively impact their performance. A good manager, on the other hand, empowers the team under him and only intervenes when his advice is needed.


  • Clear agenda

Good managers start meetings on time with a clear agenda. Good managers conduct meetings  and discussions with a statement explaining the purpose of the discussion and then check with the participants for alignment. Bad managers do not have specifically defined agendas and they usually lack total clarity about what it is they want to achieve during a meeting or any interaction with other people.


  • Friendly and accessible

A good manager has a cheerful, friendly personality such that his juniors do not feel any hesitation in approaching him. The team members should feel free to discuss any issue with the manager without fear or hesitation. Bad managers, on the other hand, want to keep their subordinates in a state of panic and fear so that they could easily rule over them.


  • Gives feedback in a proper manner

Employees want feedback and need it immediately, not days or weeks later. A good manager should have a clear discussion with his team members about their performance and ways to deal with the issues that can hinder performance. The feedback given should be constructive in nature and not demeaning or derogatory. It should be given in a friendly, soft manner without the use of harsh language or severe criticism, unless absolutely necessary.


Bad managers

  • Too intrusive and overly-complaining

A bad hotel manager may suffer from the fault of over-supervising the employees. They may tend to be quick to criticize even if they see small mistakes. This obsession with small details may lead to failure to pay attention to big picture.


  • Under or over confidence

Bad managers may either suffer from lack of confidence or from over-confidence. They may lack the clarity to see their strengths and weaknesses correctly. They lack balance and may tilt towards one extreme or the other.


  • Blames others

A bad boss will blame everyone and everything, except himself, for any loss or mistake. He usually cannot accept or admit his own mistakes nor is he good at analyzing his failures to learn important lessons from them.


  • Does not know his people

A bad manager does not fully know the people working under him, he does not recognise their strengths and abilities. He fails to appreciate their contributions and accomplishments. Most of the time he is self-obsessed and selfish. As a result, he cannot assign proper responsibilities to the people because he does not know which person is a good candidate for a task. This is because he never took real interest in his staff nor does he know them properly. .


  • Angry and emotional

Managers with mood swings create a negative working environment. They make others feel frustrated and can cause their morale and motivation to go down. This will make the people less productive and less effective.


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