Good Customer Service – Hotel Leadership Should Show The Way

Good Customer Service – Hotel Leadership Should Show The Way

Good customer experience leads to higher satisfaction and loyalty. When guests are treated royally by a hotel, it not only is good for the hotel’s image but also does wonders for the brand as well. Guests will associate happy experience with the brand as well as the particular hotel in which they had a joyful experience.

So how can hotels provide remarkable guest experience? Before you mark out any plans, it is important to work on the mindset of the staff. It should be drilled in the staff that you want them to treat each guest in a special way.  Each guest is really special. The staff should be trained and this idea should be repeatedly ingrained in them.

Improving Guest Service in Hotels – Start from the Top
You should develop a strong culture of top-notch guest service in your hotel. Remember everything begins and ends at the top. The hotel owner and the top management is chiefly responsible for developing a particular culture in the hotel.

No matter how many times you try to drill in your staff the importance of customer service, if the top leadership does not embody these values. Unless the owner believes in the value of delivering top quality service, don’t expect the same culture to prevail in the organization.

Staff learn mainly by watching their superiors. They give importance and priority to the same things which they notice their superiors giving importance to. So it is important to lead by example.

If the staff notice that the owner or the top management is 110% dedicated to providing remarkable customer service and won’t compromise in any way on that, they will pick up the same habits and traits over the course of time. What does the management believe about the guests? Do they believe the guests are mostly unreasonable, unfair and cheaters, who are out there to take advantage of you? Do you believe you have to be tough with the guests otherwise they will try to exploit you?

Or do you believe that guests are usually fair, honest individuals who just want a comfortable and safe stay after a tiring period of travel? Do you believe that guests should be treated with warmth, fairness, love, politeness and respect? How you feel about the guests will reflect in your attitude and behavior with them. How you behave with guest will likely be passed on to the people who work for you.

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