Staff Management
Few Reasons for High Staff Turnover in Hotels

Few Reasons for High Staff Turnover in Hotels

Hospitality industry is infamous having a super high employee turnover rate. It exceeds 30% for non-management employees, which is considered quite high when compared to other industries. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual average employee turnover rate across all industries is between 12-15%.

What could be the reasons for this high turnover? Let us glance at a few possible reasons below:

Long Work Hours – Numerous studies have found long working hours to be the cause of various problems including decreased productivity, decreased work quality, poor performance, health problems, and lower employee motivation.

Hotel industry is notorious for having long, strenous working hours. This is probably a major reason why thousands of workers quit their hotel jobs and go looking for work in other industries.

Inconvenient Timings – Besides long hours, another major problem is the inconvenient shift timings for workers. Hospitality work usually involves long hours with limited breaks in between. There is also the problem of back-to-back shifts or inconvenient shift timings. These can cause huge problems and difficulties for the workers.

Insufficient PTO – Another major problem is that of inadequate PTO (paid time off). Hotel employees need vacations and leaves. Since their work is quite hectic and challenging, they may want some time off in order to avoid burnout. Even when some employees dont avail PTO, having that option available to them can make them feel comfortable.

Unclear Job Expectations – Employees can feel frustrated if they are not clear about their main job role. If the job roles are not clearly defined and staff members are expected or ordered to do various tasks which are not part of their original work description, it can cause serious stress and dissatisfaction. Management has to clearly communicate the scope of work for each employee and make sure the workers are not given tasks outside of this.


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