Fear Of Flying In Kids – Simple Steps To Alleviate Their Fears
When it comes to travel, it is typical for youngsters to experience anxiety. Children may be terrified of heights and refuse to cross bridges, or they may find tunnels terrifying since they are dark and confined. Traveling by airplane can also be scary for children, try these tips to alleviate their fear of flying.
Discuss Any Anxieties:
If your kid is afraid of flying, try to eliminate their fears by discussing any concerns they may have. This will help you to focus on the specific issue rather than the overall anxiety, which will allow you to solve it more effectively. While discussing your child’s anxieties, be calm and reassuring. Inform him or her that the adults are working extremely hard to make flying safe.
Provide Information To The Kids:
When it comes to kids, there is frequently a small line between being inquisitive about something and being afraid of the unknown. Try discussing the mechanics of flight with them, whether by discussing a model aeroplane or viewing kid-friendly films about planes. Discuss the protocol for how things will happen, such as the security procedure and boarding the aeroplane. To alleviate children’s worries before travelling, try role-playing with them.
Keep your child occupied:
While waiting to board the plane, and throughout the flight, your youngster may grow restless and agitated. Bring your child’s favourite activity or snack. Being involved in a fun activity can not only keep your kid occupied during long airport or aircraft rides but will also assist divert your child from any worries he or she may have. Make certain that the food and activities you wish to bring are permitted to be transported in your carry-on luggage and onboard the airline.
Turbulence is a typical phenomenon that may be frightening to both adults and children. You may reassure your youngster by remaining calm and cuddling him or her. You could want to explain that, like roads, the air can be rough, which is why everyone in an aeroplane, just as they do in vehicles, wears a seatbelt.
Shift their focus:
If you see your child becoming unhappy, attempt to redirect their attention as quickly as possible. This is when all of the diversions you brought into your bag come in handy. Mild anxiety is far simpler to manage than a full-fledged meltdown. So, if you know your child is anxious or has had a poor experience on a plane in the past, make sure you have diversions available at the first indication of problems.
If the fasten seatbelt light is turned off, a walk inside the cabin may suffice as a diversion. This will allow your toddler to stretch their legs and go on a little exploration.
Halt and be cool yourself:
Once again, you will most likely be unable to lessen a child’s nervousness if you are anxious yourself. While it is important to refocus a kid as soon as they get agitated, you may also make a stop and relax so that you do not aggravate the situation.
We’ve all seen parents frantically trying to calm a youngster down with toys, books, or sweets. Unfortunately, the youngster is more concerned with their parents’ concerns than with the gift that they are attempting to offer them.
Taking off and landing:
Just like turbulence, taking off and landing an aircraft may be frightening for your kid. Your calm demeanour will help to soothe your youngster since your child learns how to react to a crisis by observing your conduct. If your kid is upset, ask him or her what his or her fears are, reassure him or her, and explain how aeroplanes get up in the air or down to the ground.