Factors That Contributes to Excellent Service Quality in the Hospitality Industry

If there is one industry where clients place a high value on the quality of service they receive, it is the hotel industry. Hotels spend a large amount of time and money training their personnel in advanced soft skills like as anticipating customers’ wants, paying personalized attention, providing service as promised, and exceeding clients’ expectations. Attempting to fulfill or even […]

5 Ways To Maintain Online Reputation Of Hotels

Online reputation management has evolved and is playing an increasingly important role for hotels, serving as a method of gauging guest satisfaction, driving changes, and attracting new bookings. However, not every hotel is certain of the best way to manage reputation. Here in this article, we bring you 5 ways to maintain an Online Reputation of Hotels Recognize Essential Aspects […]

Why Should Hotels Translate and Localize Their Website

Why Web Translations are so important? Assume you have a prospective guest who wants to book our hotel for a future holiday. They’d conduct their research and finally book it online. Direct web booking account for 67% of all hotel reservations (as of 2019). That’s excellent news since you already have a beautiful website with an easy-to-use interface and fantastic […]

How to Manage a Hotel’s Online Reputation

One of the most crucial variables influencing a hotel’s performance is its online reputation. It is closely tied to the hotel’s image, which is in turn related to the hotel’s financial success. As a result, hoteliers must take efforts to guarantee that internet reputation management for hotels is addressed and maintained effectively. Effective implementation is essential to deal with this […]