Things to Lookout for While Traveling to a New Place

When you are planning to travel to a new country you need to consider a few important things so that you don’t run into unexpected problems or difficulties. This advice comes from experienced travelers, so pay close attention to these: 1 – Safety and Security – One of the most important things to look out for while traveling to a […]

Essential Qualities or Skills for Hotel Front Desk

First & Foremost – Communication & People Skills Communication plays an important role in the hotel industry. A key to success is effective communication which can either make or break a deal. This is specially true in the hospitality sector. In the era of electronic communication, one should not forget the efficient verbal and non-verbal communication skills. All employees working […]

Some Must Read Books for Hoteliers

Hospitality industry is constantly changing especially with the emergence of new technologies, new trends and customer preferences as well as global changes. Moreover the industry is highly competitive and challenging. That is why it is critically important for hoteliers to stay on top of hotel management and customer handling techniques. They need to continually hone their expertise. Even in this […]

Tips to Plan Your Trip To Dallas 

Whenever you are planning a vacation it is always a wise idea to do some research and plan in advance. This is all the more important when you are traveling with family and kids.  Below we have laid down some important tips for travelers so that they can have a pleasant stay in Dallas.    Choose the Right Time to […]

Tips for Safe And Enjoyable Trip to Dallas

The Dallas crime rate is higher than more than 90 percent of U.S. cities, which means that citizens and tourists have to be very careful as they can be highly prone to become victims of some crime. This is probably the reason why gun ownership in Dallas and the whole of Texas is higher than the US average. Moreover Texas […]