Blog Post Ideas For Hotels And Resorts

Blog Post Ideas For Hotels And Resorts

Isn’t it true that attracting viewers to your website is easier said than done? Nevertheless, there are simple solutions. One such method is content marketing, especially writing a blog. Blog posts account for one-third of hotel website traffic. Organic traffic accounts for 30-40% of all revenues.

What sorts of blog posts generate the most interaction, visibility, and, eventually, hotel reservations? First and foremost: Your content must be relevant to what your industry is looking for. Know your target audience, keep your hotel clients in mind, and consider the sorts of blog posts they’d want to read. Always write for your readers, not for yourself.

Write an enticing introductory paragraph to attract your readers to your postings – it will boost your likelihood of them reading on, and the longer they stay on your website, the more likely they are to convert into a direct booking.

We have compiled a list of blogging ideas for hoteliers:

Create Your Checklist:

Before you begin blogging, the first thing you should do is make a list of ideas or topics that you would want to write or work on initially for your blog. It’s critical to maintain track of your list; doing so will protect you from being anxious and experiencing writer’s block over what to post next.

Make Personalized Content For Your Viewers:

Use analytics to create a picture of your ideal guest, including their buying personalities, hobbies, and needs. An online survey can be used to gather more information. Create content that speaks directly to them.

Offer Up Tips:

Try to provide additional information/tips or procedures about your industry, whether it’s tourism, cuisine, or hotels. Your customers will appreciate any advice that may make their travels smoother. Make a list of your greatest tips and make sure they are actionable. You may also provide answers to the most common problems that happen in the hotel sector; attempting to provide solutions to clients will also assist enhance blog engagement.

Position Your Hotel As A Local “Specialist”:

Are there any nearby attractions, restaurants, or beaches? Incorporate your links with these demanding areas into the content of your hotel. Mention them regularly on your blog and social media, and emphasize simple travel links and any counter offers you can arrange so that your customers feel like they have privileged access to these attractions as a result of their booking with you.

Highlight Your Unique Selling Point:

You may also create content that showcases your services and how your hotel differs from others in the area. Don’t forget to explain what sets you apart!

Travel Guides:

There must be travel guides included. Your visitors are seeking information about their destination. If your hotel is in a popular region, such as a huge city. The key to sticking out is to make your guide as comprehensive and unique as possible. Travelers value authenticity. Other businesses in the region, such as your favorite restaurants, can (and should) be mentioned in your tour. Mentioning your competitors is also a good idea. You come out as honest, and you deliver value to every one of your website visitors. After all, your hotel may not be the best choice for them at present moment. However, if you provide them with recommendations for other hotels, they may share your guide with their friends.

Focus On Statistics:

If you want to see the results, you must include at least a few stats or objective facts in your articles, with source information, unless you’re writing a piece purely focused on your subjective emotions on a topic. Nothing like a well-placed statistic for proving your case. Including citations for several facts in the body of your writing strengthens the credibility of your information. It demonstrates that you did your study and did not reach these findings without examining many sources beforehand. Including citations for several facts in the body of your writing strengthens the credibility of your information. It demonstrates that you did your investigation and did not reach these study results without analyzing many sources.

Focus On Giving Answers To Frequently Asked Questions:

Guests and travelers have a lot of questions about the places they visit. So, create a blog that answers questions like what they should bring with them while visiting notable sights in the area, the weather, how to purchase tickets, or arrange activities in the area.

Give Budgetary Advice:

The majority of individuals travel on a set budget. Writing a blog about how to budget for and maximize their trip is a fantastic idea. You may make a list of the greatest locations to visit, cafés to dine at, local attractions to see, and travel tips.

Focus On Keywords To Improve Your Blog Ranking:

Effective content strategies strike a balance between writing for users and writing for search engine bots that crawl and index your site. For example, if your rooms offer spectacular views of the city, include spectacular *city* views’ in the content promoting your hotel’s features. Relatively brief keywords can create more website traffic but fewer direct booking conversions for your business, so be particular and attempt to focus on terms that will not apply to all of the other hotels in your area.

Awards And Features Of Your Hotel:

It’s worth mentioning whether your hotel has won any accolades or been highlighted in the news. In the description, including press articles and prize titles. You may also note any recent improvements done by the resort or hotel to keep your consumers up to date.

Don’t Lose Sight Of Your Message:

Keep things short and to the point, especially on your homepage. A nice image of individuals playing blackjack with the word ‘play’ is more powerful and appealing than the term ‘on-site casino’ mentioned as an amenity.

Tell Your Story/History:

Is your city, area, or even your hotel rich in history? Then you’ll have lots of blog article ideas. Share your local history, mythology, and even ghost stories. Your visitors will appreciate it if they are interested in history.

It Should Not Always About Your Hotel:

Writing material like, ‘We provide a shuttle into the city and complimentary parking,’ puts your guest in a passive stance and will certainly lose their attention. ‘You’ll be able to leave your car and ride one of our frequent shuttles into the center of the city at any time of day,’ persuades the reader to assume the function of the guest before they’ve even reserved. Making a distinction between the offer and the experience sounds more convincing.

Most Recent Hotel Updates:

Writing a blog on the newest hotel news might be interesting. Include a list of events or activities to enjoy at your hotel, any notable events that may have occurred at the hotel that may be publicized, or even something as basic as new meals and trademark beverages introduced to the menu.

Hotel and Travel Industry Influencers:

Are you just getting started with social media? Not a problem! Rather than waiting for your follower count to develop, collaborate with Instagram influencers to get your hotel in front of thousands of social media users right away. Search the profiles of famous restaurants and trendsetting hotels in town to see which influencers connect with your hotel, then contact them and work on a feature for your hotel blog. Maybe they can make curated restaurant recommendations or find some local hidden treasures. Once you’ve published the piece, send it to them so they may distribute it on their social media networks.

Celebrities Who Visit Your Hotel:

People want to know if there are any celebrities in your town or if they are visiting. Blogs might be titled “sites to visit a celebrity” or “watch out for these stars when visiting us.”

Events, Exhibitions, and Products:

Writing an article on the newest hotel events, and new services added might be really interesting. Include a list of new events or activities to enjoy at your hotel, you might also interest your guests with exhibitions at your hotels. This might give incentives to your guests to book at your hotel.

Tell An Experience:

Travelers today are more than ever seeking a human experience throughout their stay. They are seeking amazing tales and adventures, whether by meeting other tourists or wishing to live a genuine experience. As a result, it is critical to emphasize the human side of your hotel’s experience, particularly through the notion of storytelling.

Getting Perfect Pictures For Your Instagram Account:

Travel bloggers, culinary bloggers, and even tourists like visiting new areas and locations and taking several photographs to make their trips memorable. As a result, establishing a guide tailored to visitors’ photographic demands will garner a lot of attention. List all of the prominent scenic locations, cafés, and trendy tourist areas to visit to acquire the greatest images.

Customer Experience Corner:

You may include a customer zone where they can leave comments, exchange feedback, and participate in fun games like “identify your favorite meal or drink” or participate and win different prizes to make your customers feel more involved with your community.

Local Businesses in Your Hotel’s Neighborhood:

Another suggestion for a blog post is to collaborate with local companies to develop material that benefits both of you. In this section, you interview the proprietors of local restaurants, attractions, and other service providers that tourists may be interested in. You receive material for your site, and the other company gets exposure- it’s a win-win situation!

Include Top Summer Activities:

Write about the top summer events to attend in town during the peak tourist season. Discuss the town’s well-known ice cream shops, swimming pools, and beaches.

Include Best Winter Pastimes:

You may also write about the greatest winter activities that tourists can enjoy when coming during the colder months. Ice skating, skiing, and snowboarding advise on how to schedule these activities and how your visitors may have a great time.

Games Of Thrills:

Are you in a location known for adventure sports? The tourists are eager to learn about any sports which they may join. Give your viewers a burst of excitement with your writing!

Your Views:

Take some time to write about something about which you are enthusiastic. There’s a good chance an entire community is interested in the same issue; this will help you reach a broader audience with your articles.


Building a strong hotel blog takes time, as with any large endeavor, but investing in your online presence may deliver spectacular returns. Focus on quality over quantity, and make sure your material is distinctive, entertaining, and relevant to your ideal visitor, beginning with a title that compels them to click. A blog is a wonderful way to showcase your hotel’s personality and value offer, so partnering with a digital firm that understands content and search patterns is critical to attracting the readers you seek.


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