Hotel Tips
Add Personal Touch to Guest Experience

Add Personal Touch to Guest Experience

Adding a personal touch to your guest interaction has always been highly important. However its importance has increased in the post-COVID world. Today human interaction has become highly distant and non-personal due to safety considerations. Earlier guests were welcomed with a warm handshake while nowadays they are received by staff who are masked and maintain social distance.

In such a scenario it has become all the more important for your hotel to find ways to add a personal touch to the guest’s experience in order to make their stay memorable and feel pleasant. However you need to add this personal touch without violating safety guidelines.

In order to make up for the masked and distant interaction with the guests, you need to train your staff to become more attentive to them. The staff should learn to observe the guests and listen to them carefully, be more pleasant and soft in speech with them, try to become more aware of the guest’s circumstances and understand their unique needs.

You could also give each guest a carefully thought-out parting gift according to the guest’s tastes and preferences. Your personal touches need not be pre-planned or big. Small gestures, paying attention to them, listening attentively might be all it takes to make them happy.


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