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Essential Tips to Make Your Travel Blog Popular – Part I

Essential Tips to Make Your Travel Blog Popular – Part I

Building a successful blog takes time, effort, and a willingness to learn and adapt as you go. When it comes to travel blogging, the field is highly competitive and continues to become even more crowded with each passing day.

But just because there’s a sea of travel bloggers out there doesn’t mean you can’t start one of your own. You just need to know that you will have to do better than them in order to stand out from the crowd.

We have 10 tips for you here to help you create a striking travel blog. Go ahead, don’t blend in when you can stand out!

  1. Take Lots of Pictures.

Take shots of anything that interests you. A school girl with her backpack, local vehicles, road signs, windows, streets, food, anything. Make sure the images are high-quality. Remember you aren’t just a tourist photographer. You are, with the help of your pics, going to create stories and churn out narratives about the destination later, aiming to keep your readers on your page for a while. Accordingly, keep an eye out for unconventional photo opportunities too and let your pictures showcase your travel experiences.

  1. Write High-Quality Content.

Think in terms of value that you will be providing with your content. Will your readers be getting what they came to your blog for? That’s the question you need to ask. Some of the stuff that you can include: best places to visit in the area, list of accommodations, landmarks, local souvenirs; you can inform your readers about the best time to visit the place, what needs to be done to prepare for the journey; you can add industry reports; you can write in-depth reviews about the property you are staying at or the local food of the place.

You will need to first determine your topic and shape the flow of content. Once done, write engaging, informative, entertaining and visually appealing content for your blog, making sure readers take home information and then come back for more.

  1. Be Vigilant with Your Note-Taking.

In order to have detail in your content, you will need to have clear foresight when you travel, to plan ahead and anticipate what you may need during your content-writing later.

Make it a habit to carry a notebook and pen with you wherever you go. Keep a record of all relevant materials, such as notes and pictures, and store them in your inventory for future reference. Take notes of important details about the places you visit, including accommodations and transportation, and keep track of costs by storing receipts in your notebook.

  1. Be Narrow and Focused. Be Niche.

Instead of trying to appeal to a broad audience, focus on a specific niche and delve deeply into it. Don’t try to be everything to everyone, but rather narrow your focus and develop a strong expertise in your chosen area.

This will help you in not losing out to the millions of competitors out there and yet be able to reach a great many potential readers.

  1. Don’t Only Do Sponsored Content.

Your readers would most likely want an independent opinion about the destination. If everything you write is going to be sponsored, they may get put off and try to seek information elsewhere.

Work on creating the expertise and relatable experiences and keep readers hooked on to your blog. That’s a sure-shot way to grow larger.

Check out our second part of this article – Travel blogging tips continued…

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