Hotel Marketing
Reasons Hotels Should Do More Text Messaging To Guests

Reasons Hotels Should Do More Text Messaging To Guests


The ability to communicate with hotel customers is a sign of brand loyalty. If customers do not connect emotionally with your brand, they may prefer to stay elsewhere in the future, influenced by variables such as location, price, or facilities. Hotel personnel should focus on real in-person encounters as well as individualized internet communication to create a meaningful experience that will resonate with customers and turn them into fans for life. Understanding how customers want to be approached and dealt with is especially crucial in service-based industries such as hospitality. Here are a few reasons why hotels should begin texting more frequently.

  1. Preference is Text Over Calls:

According to a recent study, 7 in 10 millennials and younger Gen Z prefer to connect digitally — mostly by text message — rather than in person. Globally, 655 of those polled said they communicate with peers more regularly via texting or cellphone, but this figure is significantly higher in English-speaking countries. As technology alters how people communicate and engage with the world, the hospitality business must adapt. Rather than sticking with outdated procedures, hotels may employ guest communications to correspond with how their customers like to interact. Guests may communicate with hotels more and generate more chances for a tailored and delightful stay by providing them with an accessible communication platform.

  1. Business Client Assistance:

Text messaging is being used by an increasing number of organizations to connect with clients, and this trend is expected to continue. This tendency is reciprocal, as customers are more willing to communicate with businesses by Text messages. Hoteliers may share their brand activities, such as discount offers or newly added services, via SMS.

  1. Texting Service Improves the Guest Experience:

While text messaging has continually been shown to be the finest way to engage both existing and future consumers, there are still many possibilities for development in how it is used. Most strategies are now just concerned with promotions and discounts. However, developing a relationship with clients frequently necessitates more. To improve visitors’ happiness, hoteliers can send SMS account notifications, appointment reminders, FAQ/customer help, and satisfaction surveys.

  1. Any Product or Service Can Be Upsold:

Upselling is the practice of convincing a consumer to purchase more items or services that they did not want to purchase in the first place. Front-office upselling and front-desk upselling are the same things. They include offering additional services or accommodation improvements to hotel visitors. Now You may provide these extra services and deals or offers to the customer using guest messaging in a non-disruptive manner.

  1. Boost Reviews:

Text messaging has a 98 percent open rate, compared to 20% for email. If you invite a visitor to post a review on TripAdvisor or Google Reviews after their stay, they’re more likely to notice it through text message. Guest messaging can also assist in determining which reviews should be routed to review sites. Hotel communication solutions may send 5-star reviewers immediately to online review websites by employing automation that asks visitors for a brief rating of 1-5 soon after their stay, while unfavorable evaluations can be routed to management for service recovery or as feedback for future reference. You can control your reputation and boost your internet ratings by using messaging.


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