Social Media Tips for Hotels – Reply to Each Comment You Receive Online

Social Media Tips for Hotels – Reply to Each Comment You Receive Online

Hotels should start being active on social media platforms if they want to create and maintain a strong brand image in the eyes of the younger generation.

The modern travelers, specially the youth among them, take social media presence very seriously. They may form an unfavorable impression of a hotel if that hotel doesn’t have a sufficient online presence. That is why hotels should start placing more importance on online marketing.

Not only should the hotels post interesting things, share stories and post attractive pictures or videos, they should also make it a point to reply to all the comments they receive on the social platforms. Failing to reply to users can have a detrimental effect to your online brand building efforts.

When users feel they are being listened to and that you care enough to reply to them, they are going to be more inclined towards your brand. Give importance and respect to each user. No matter who the person is, make sure to reply to each comment you receive.

You can have a dedicated person or team to handle all the social media messages. But don’t overlook the importance of this. Scott Eddy, who is a social media expert, stresses a lot on making it a habit to reply to each and every comment. Many top brands and companies have hire Scott in the past to work on building their online brand image.

You should reply not just to the good comments but also to the negative and rude ones. Always be polite, humble and sincere in your replies and you can win the hearts of many of the people, if not all of them.


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