Hotel Success
Hotel Managers Need to Learn To Be Calm Under Stress

Hotel Managers Need to Learn To Be Calm Under Stress

Being calm can help you become a better leader and manager of people. Do you want your staff to behave more calmly with guests and maintain their composure? Do you want them to not lose their cool when the guests are being unreasonable or difficult? Then you need to lead from the front and set a good example for all to follow.

Being calm in the workplace is extremely important. The importance of calmness is being realized more and more by companies worldwide. Being calm helps you to think more logically and behave more rationally. It helps you make better decisions by weighing in the pros and cons and evaluating all the options available and the consequences of each.

Most great leaders of the past and the present were people who possessed a great deal of self-control and were able to maintain their cool even under pressure and in difficult situations. Being self-aware, calm and present are essential traits of great leaders.

When the manager is calm, it can have a superb effect upon the whole staff. The calmness is likely to trickle down among the other people in the team, providing them with a warm sense of security and trust. Nobody likes to work for a boss who is always impulsive, prone to mood swings and keeps shouting for the smallest of reasons.

A manager has to be calm not just during normal times but more so during challenging and emergency situations. Emergency situations can be stressful, which can turn worse if you don’t keep your cool and take foolish actions. When you are under stress, the body goes into fight or flight mode, and releases cortisol, which is a stress hormone. This can make you prone to take bad decisions that you may regret later on.

So hotel managers need to learn to manage stress and maintain their cool. This can help in making their staff behave in a like manner. When the staff develops the habit of being calm, they can behave and interact in a better manner with the guests. This is essential for the long term success of a hotel.

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