Enjoy Lovely Hiking Trails in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Enjoy Lovely Hiking Trails in Chattanooga, Tennessee

Hiking in Chattanooga is a must-do activity for anybody visiting Tennessee. During peak season, hikers from all over the country fly in to visit, and there are an estimated 150 miles of hiking trails on public lands within a 15-minute drive of downtown.

If you want to visit Chattanooga, make sure to spend at least one-day hiking. If you are not an experienced hiker, there are various easy choices and access to viewpoints with parking lots so you can enjoy the views without having to trek for a great distance.

Chattanooga is a great area for dedicated hikers to spend many hours a day hiking, experiencing the greatest scenery in the city, and never travelling the same path twice.


Popular View Points in Chattanooga:

Point Park, Sunset Rock- Lookout Mountain:

When driving up to Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, you can visit both Point Park and Sunset Rock; There is a free, littler parking lot at Sunset Rock and a pay-to-enter National Park at Point Park, it’s worth a hike to either viewpoint, and you can easily see both in a 4.5-mile stroll. Bring your friends and family to the picturesque overlook or read a book, organise a picnic, and watch the sunset behind the mountains.

Snooper Rock in Prentice Cooper State Forest:

Take the 40-minute journey out to Snooper’s Rock in Prentice Cooper State Forest for an outstanding glimpse of the Tennessee River away from the city. The beauty will take your breath away, especially in the fall when the foliage is at its height.

There is a parking area directly next to Snooper’s Rock, but Prentice Cooper is densely forested. Park at the Cumberland Trail parking lot for a three-mile trek to Snooper’s Rock. You’ll also have the opportunity to see Indian Rock house, a massive overhanging boulder.

Greeter Falls:

A short trek that leads to one of Tennessee’s most beautiful waterfalls. The falls are located in the Savage Gulf section of South Cumberland State Park, about 45 minutes northwest of Chattanooga. This trail follows Firescald Creek, which is bordered by Jurassic-looking sandstone cliffs and sheltered by lush hardwood trees.

When you get to Greeter falls, you’ll be greeted with azure waters tempting you to jump in for a swim.

Stringer’s Ridge:

Stringer’s Ridge is a popular hiking, mountain biking and trail running location on Chattanooga’s North Shore, just kilometres from Downtown Chattanooga. Stringer’s Ridge in North Chattanooga has 10 miles of trails on 92 acres of land and has something for everyone. Hikers may enjoy a spectacular view of downtown Chattanooga and the Tennessee River from the overlook!

Fiery Gizzard:

Experienced hikers will enjoy this, South Cumberland State Park and Fiery Gizzard Recreational Area are around a 50-minute drive from downtown. The trek is 11-mile and is only for experienced hikers. There is, however, the Gundy Day Loop Trail, which is less than two miles long.

There is multiple waterfalls to explore, as well as the former Civilian Conservation Corps encampment.


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