Stay Express Hotel Franchise
Why Hotel Brands Should Welcome Open Communication from Franchisees

Why Hotel Brands Should Welcome Open Communication from Franchisees

The relationship between a hotel brand and its franchisee partners is critical to the success of the hotels as well as the brand. A brand which cares for its franchisees and has a solid relationship with them can grow by leaps and bounds. On the other hand, a brand that does not care for its franchisee partners nor does it have a good relationship with them may soon find itself in tatters.

Communication Is Critical for Healthy Relationship
Communication is a critical factor for having a good relationship. Unless there is an open, honest communication between the brand and the franchisees, there cannot be a healthy, long-lasting relationship. For this reason brands should encourage their franchisees to communicate freely with them. In fact they should welcome such communication efforts, as they could prove to be a blessing in disguise.

What we normally observe is that brands do not like it when franchisee hotels come with their problems. They try to avoid, ignore or shun such type of acts by the hotels. They want the hotels to solve their own problems and not bother them with petty issues. This is a very wrong approach and the brands can stand to lose a lot by following such a practice.

Disadvantages of Not Having Open Communication
First of all, it will destroy the trust and loyalty towards the brand. Hotel owners will feel they are not getting the support and help they deserve, specially when they are paying such heavy annual fees to the brand. They feel they are entitled to help and guidance from the brand in overcoming their challenges.

If the brand is negligent in this regard, the hoteliers may feel disappointed, let-down and betrayed. This understandably will not be good for the long-term relationship between the two parties. The hotels may soon start looking for other viable alternatives to switch over.

Secondly, by discouraging hotels in presenting their problems, the brand will lose the opportunity to know what is troubling the hotels and help them achieve more business growth. If it listens to the problems of the hotels, it could offer workable solutions and help the hotels increase their revenues. This in turn, would be profitable for the brand as well as the hotel.

Thirdly, by ignoring the complaints of the hotels, the brand will lose the opportunity to identify problems that could prove dangerous later on, not just for the hotel but also for the brand. By listening to the hotel’s problems, the brand could identify potential threats early on, which could affect the whole industry if they are not addressed on time.

Introducing Fair Franchising with Stay Express
Stay Express is a brand that has been launched by hoteliers as we feel we understand what hotels want most when they join a brand. We understand their perspective as we were in the same position for a long time. We want to address their issues and provide them what they are desperately seeking from a brand.

For this reason we started the Stay Express hotel franchising company. We want to provide a fair, affordable and caring franchising option to hotels, and help them grow and boost their revenues. We have been able to save thousands of dollars to our franchisees. Get in touch with us to know more – Stay Express Welcomes You

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