Hotel Tips
Hotels – Are You Just Focusing On Your Guests?

Hotels – Are You Just Focusing On Your Guests?

Guest satisfaction, listening to guests, valuing their feedback is all well and good. It is an important part of succeeding in your hotel business. The feedback provided by guests will help you understand what are the good things you are doing and what are the problem areas which need to be addressed.

However your current or past guests are not the only people you should be focusing on and learning from. Statistically speaking, your guests are just a tiny fraction of the whole market. There might be thousands of people coming and staying in hotels every week in your locality. Out of these, a tiny percentage of people stay at your place while others will stay at other hotels.

So by just listening to the feedback of those people who decide to stay at your place, you may be doing yourself a great disservice. What about the other people who are staying at some other hotels? What can you learn from them that could prove valuable to improve your own business operations?

Among those people who didn’t stay at your hotel, some of them may have walked in to you property and talked to the front desk, enquired about room prices and may have eventually walked out. What was the reason these people didn’t select your place? Did it have something to do with pricing or your hotel’s neatness?

What about those people who visited your website but didn’t book a room? Wouldn’t it be great if you could grill all these people to find out what makes them favor one hotel over the other?  You may unravel golden information from these people which could help you figure out things you are not doing right or improve your offerings.

Now you have a handy tool which could help you get feedback from people who visit your website. You can make use of online surveys or questionnaires to get a sneak peek into the minds of potential customers. You may have popups on your website which lead to an online survey. You could have these popups be displayed to anyone who is leaving your website without booking a room.

Connecting with buyers and getting feedback from them is a standard age-old business practice. However, in order to multiply the benefits you may add the non-buyers into the fray, those people who visited your website or hotel property and yet did not book a room. They may comprise a fairly large segment of the market, so why ignore them. Try to get their feedback and opinions as well so that you can improve your business operations all the more!

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