How Hotels Can Grow Their Facebook Page & Gain More Exposure
Many hotels are doing Facebook marketing. It can be a great way to build your brand awareness and generate customers. Below are 7 helpful tips for hotels to grow their Facebook page and gain lot of exposure
Share Awesome, Meaningful Content – In order to grow your FB page you need to consistently share meaningful content that is useful and of interest to your targeted audience. You may also share, from time to time, some funny stuff like memes, etc. Post great, engaging content on the page. You can post beautiful pics of your hotel as well as guest reviews, etc.
Do not always post promotional content – this is a mistake committed by many businesses. Remember that Facebook is a social platform and hence nearly 75-80% of your posts have to be social or informative posts.
Post Frequently and Consistently – It is unlikely that you will see much growth of your FB page if you do not maintain a consistent posting frequency. Being regular is the key. Regarding frequency, you need to find a balance so that you are not posting too much nor too less.
The posting frequency should be such that it does not burden you too much nor does it compromise the quality of your posts. Just posting something for the sake of posting it may not be a good idea. You need to make sure whatever you are posting is relevant and useful. You should not compromise on quality for the sake of quantity.
Use Call to Action Every Time – Don’t forget to use a call to action at the end of each of your FB post. Call to action can be simple, there is no need to complicate anything. Just a simple message asking readers to share or comment can be sufficient in most cases.
Invite People to Like Your Page – Start with your customers, employees, friends, family members, and people who know you. Invite these people to like your FB page, specially when the page is newly setup and you need some initial likes to get the ball rolling and build social proof for your brand.
Build Targeted Friends – Visit other similar pages and groups, check out people who are actively engaging by leaving meaningful comments and likes, then send them friend requests, better to send personalized friend requests, and have genuine conversations with them. Also invite them to visit and like your page.
Use FB Groups – Join some active, good quality groups related to your niche or demographics or location and interact actively there by sharing useful posts of your own or somebody else’s, commenting on other posts, liking, interacting with fellow group members and growing friends. Try to contribute something of value to the group.
Invent Money on FB Ads – An excellent and quick way to grow your Facebook fan following is to run targeted ads. This could speed up the process of getting followers and building engagement for your page.
If you are really serious of making a mark on Facebook and getting high quality leads from this platform you should not hesitate to spend some money on running targeted FB ads. This way you can build a large following for relatively little amount of money as long as the ads are properly targeted towards the right audience.