Hospitality Solutions
Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid for Hotels

Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid for Hotels

Social media marketing is something that everybody is doing nowadays. Every small and big business wants to jump on the bandwagon to grow their brand presence on social networks. However there are certain mistakes you need to avoid while doing social media marketing for your hotel.


Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid for Hotels


  • Ignore comments from your fans

Many hotels focus primarily on their posts and forget to respond to audience comments. Social media is the best way to engage with prospects and users. If you ignore reactions and complaints, your business opportunities will be lost.


  • Not having a clear cut social media policy

Not having a social media policy across the company is clearly dangerous and can often lead to unexpected public embarrassment. Regardless of who manages your social media accounts, you should pursue a policy that identifies what is and isn’t acceptable. Most companies have no limits on content, sexual exploitation, racism, religious, provocative, obscene, sexually explicit, offensive or discriminatory in any way. Make sure all your employees know and follow the policy.


  • Copy and paste on all social networks

Each social network has its own limitations, unique users, strategies, do’s and don’ts and so on. Facebook is mostly for sharing moments with friends, Linkedin is for professionals on LinkedIn, Pinterest has mostly women users, Twitter has 140 character limit. So each channel should have its own strategy and adaptive posts.


  • Silence in the comments section

The algorithms on social media sites see how much engagement your posts are getting. If there are lot of comments on your posts, it can be helpful in making your social media profile grow faster.


  • Too much sharing of other’s content

Sharing other people’s messages and articles is important. But just sharing other people’s content and publishing less content yourself can send a message to the audience that your brand doesn’t add much value.


  • One way traffic

The purpose of social media should be two-way communication. Make sure you keep the conversation going and listen to your customers well. One way communication does not make a business profitable.


  • Not having a social media strategy

You should always know why you are posting something and what goals you want to achieve. If there is no strategy, you can easily make the following mistakes.


  • Focusing too much on follower counts

Many people just focus on quantity while ignoring the quality. However, a large follow-up doesn’t always mean the audience is actually reading the content or engaging with it. So do focus on increasing your followers but do not make it your primary focus. Don’t forget how important it is to create original content on regular basis that your audience will love and want to discuss.


  • Deleting a negative comment

You may have seen some brands that make negative comments, engage in long and ugly conversations and then delete the whole thread.

This is the rudest thing you can do. When you have a negative comment, you have to show your audience that you have nothing to hide and be objective. If the commentor points out your mistakes, thank them for their advice and improvement. If they’re just toxic, ignore them.


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