3 Ways Stay Express Can Save Hotels Lot of Money
Stay Express is a hotel franchising company that cares a lot for its partners. We want you to succeed and make big profits. One of the ways we help our franchisees in achieving higher NOI is by helping them save more money.
1. We Provide Them State-of-the-Art Tools
We provide our franchisees with excellent, feature-rich and powerful application tools that help them run their business more efficiently. Our range of impressive software suite includes hotel PMS (Property Management System), Channel Manager, Booking Engine, etc. The partners would probably have to spend thousands of dollars for getting these applications from elsewhere.
2. We Provide Them Website and OTA Connections
We develop a website for each of our newly joined franchisee. The website is mobile friendly, with a modern look. Websites can be an excellent way to showcase the beauty of our hotel properties with the use of high quality photos, videos, guest testimonials, etc.
We also integrate all the important features on the website, including booking engine integration. We also connect the hotel property with 650,000+ travel agents and 2000+ OTAs through our GDS/IDS connections.
3. We Handle The Marketing
Marketing is very important, specially online marketing. In today’s world no business can ignore the importance of social media marketing. However many hotels do not have trained staff who understand how to carry out digital marketing effectively.
Stay Express solves this problem for the hotels. We take care of their online marketing efforts, which includes social media marketing on various platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, Linkedin, etc. Outsourcing these tasks to a marketing agency can cost lot of money. We save this money for our partners by handling this important part of their business!
Get Ready for Huge Savings:
We have been able to save our franchisees huge amounts of money, sometimes in the range of $200,000. The hotels can use this money for improving their property or bettering their operations. We are very glad we have been able to provide huge 6-7 figure savings. Get in touch with us to discuss our franchise program.