5 Mistakes Returning Visitors Make When Traveling Back To U.S.
Traveling has become difficult after the pandemic, with so many changes in travel norms and restrictions. Travelers must use extreme caution when completing all processes for re-entering the country.
Here are a few common mistakes to avoid when traveling back to the United States.
Not Possessing the Correct COVID-19 Test:
- The United States is quite particular regarding the types of COVID tests that will be accepted for re-entry. Negative test results will only be accepted if they are from a viral test that is either an antigen test or a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT).
- According to the CDC, if you are bringing a self-test to take while traveling, the test must fulfill the following requirements:
- The test must be a SARS-CoV-2 virus test (nucleic acid amplification test [NAAT] or antigen test) with a U.S. Food and Drug Administration Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) (FDA).
- All re-entry test results must include the following information: the type of test, the name of the entity that issued the result, the date of the test, the test taker’s identifying information (complete name plus date of birth or passport number), and the test result.
Forgetting to Notify Foodstuff:
- It’s a major error to forget to declare any food you’re carrying into the United States. If you enter the United States without declaring your food and are detected, you might face fines of up to $10,000.
- You shouldn’t be frightened to declare food at the border because most packaged foods (such as sweets, loaves of bread, and crackers) may be taken in without trouble and won’t even need to be examined. Only items such as fruits, meats, eggs, and so on will be subject to further scrutiny.
Not Having Proof of Vaccination:
It’s a good idea to download a photo or electronic copy of your immunization card to your phone so you always have it with you when you need it, and it’s also required if you wish to re-enter the United States with a three-day-old COVID test.
Lack of Global Entry Membership:
- With foreign travelers finally permitted back into the United States, the country is seeing a rush of visitors, resulting in lengthier entry lineups at land borders and international airports.
- After a long travel home, the last thing you’ll want to do is spend hours in a customs line. Instead, spend the $100 for a five-year Global Entry membership, which will allow you to expedite your return to the United States.
Arriving at the Airport Too Late:
Make sure you arrive at the airport 4 hours before the boarding time. Airlines must now examine a variety of items before allowing passengers to board a trip to the United States, including immunization cards and COVID tests, which can add hours to check-in lines. Even if you arrive before the check-in window shuts, you won’t be able to board your aircraft; allow additional time in case of huge line-ups.